Adding applications dynamically

NOTE: this is not the best approach for hosting multiple applications. You’d better to run a uWSGI instance for each app.

You can start the uWSGI server without configuring an application.

To load a new application you can use these variables in the uwsgi packet:

  • UWSGI_SCRIPT – pass the name of a WSGI script defining an application callable
  • or UWSGI_MODULE and UWSGI_CALLABLE – the module name (importable path) and the name of the callable to invoke from that module

Dynamic apps are officially supported on Cherokee, Nginx, Apache, cgi_dynamic.They are easily addable to the Tomcat and Twisted handlers.

Defining VirtualEnv with dynamic apps

Virtualenvs are based on the Py_SetPythonHome() function. This function haseffect only if called before Py_Initialize() so it can’t be used withdynamic apps.

To define a VirtualEnv with DynamicApps, a hack is the only solution.

First you have to tell python to not import the site module. This moduleadds all site-packages to sys.path. To emulate virtualenvs, we mustload the site module only after subinterpreter initialization. Skipping thefirst import site, we can now simply set sys.prefix andsys.exec_prefix on dynamic app loading and call

  1. PyImport_ImportModule("site");
  2. // Some users would want to not disable initial site module loading, so the site module must be reloaded:
  3. PyImport_ReloadModule(site_module);

Now we can set the VirtualEnv dynamically using the UWSGI_PYHOME var:

  1. location / {
  2. uwsgi_pass;
  3. include uwsgi_params;
  4. uwsgi_param UWSGI_SCRIPT mytrac;
  5. uwsgi_param UWSGI_PYHOME /Users/roberto/uwsgi/VENV2;
  6. }