commands detail - c


There’s no one-liner equivalent for the Linux cal, but there’s a useful script, with much of the cal functionality here :


The PowerShell equivalent of cd is:

  1. Set-Location

…although there is a builtin PowerShell alias cd which points at set-location

cd ~

cd ~ moves you to your home folder in both unix and Powershell.


The unix clear command clears your screen. The Powershell equivalent to the unix clear is

  1. clear-host

PowerShell also has built-in alias clear for clear-host.

However, it’s possibly worth noting that the behaviour of the two commands is slightly different between the two environments.

In my Linux environment, running putty, clear gives you a blank screen by effectively scrolling everything up, which means you can scroll it all back down.

The Powershell Clear-host on the other hand seems to wipe the previous output (actually in the same way that cmd’s cls command does….). This could be quite a significant difference, depending on what you want to clear and why!


The Posh version of cp is

  1. copy-item

The following are built-in aliases for copy-item:

  1. cp
  2. copy

cp -R

To recursively copy:

  1. copy -recurse