Boot Environment

Traefik Proxy’s configuration is divided into two main categories:

  • Static Configuration: Defines parameters that require Traefik to restart when changed. This includes entry points, providers, API/dashboard settings, and logging levels.
  • Dynamic Configuration: Involves elements that can be updated without restarting Traefik, such as routers, services, and middlewares.

This section focuses on setting up the static configuration, which is essential for Traefik’s initial boot.

Configuration Methods

Traefik offers multiple methods to define static configuration.


It’s crucial to choose one method and stick to it, as mixing different configuration options is not supported and can lead to unexpected behavior.

Here are the methods available for configuring the Traefik proxy:


You can define the static configuration in a file using formats like YAML or TOML.

Configuration Example

traefik.yml (YAML)

  1. entryPoints:
  2. web:
  3. address: ":80"
  4. websecure:
  5. address: ":443"
  6. providers:
  7. docker: {}
  8. api:
  9. dashboard: true
  10. log:
  11. level: INFO

traefik.toml (TOML)

  1. [entryPoints]
  2. [entryPoints.web]
  3. address = ":80"
  4. [entryPoints.websecure]
  5. address = ":443"
  6. [providers]
  7. [providers.docker]
  8. [api]
  9. dashboard = true
  10. [log]
  11. level = "INFO"

Configuration File

At startup, Traefik searches for static configuration in a file named traefik.yml (or traefik.yaml or traefik.toml) in the following directories:

  • /etc/traefik/
  • $HOME/.config/
  • . (the current working directory).

You can override this behavior using the configFile argument like this:

  1. traefik --configFile=foo/bar/myconfigfile.yml


Using the CLI, you can pass static configuration directly as command-line arguments when starting Traefik.

Configuration Example


  1. traefik \
  2. --entryPoints.web.address=":80" \
  3. --entryPoints.websecure.address=":443" \
  4. --providers.docker \
  5. --api.dashboard \
  6. --log.level=INFO

Environment Variables

You can also set the static configuration using environment variables. Each option corresponds to an environment variable prefixed with TRAEFIK_.

Configuration Example




When deploying Traefik Proxy using Helm in a Kubernetes cluster, the static configuration is defined in a values.yaml file.

You can find the official Traefik Helm chart on GitHub

Configuration Example


  1. ports:
  2. web:
  3. exposedPort: 80
  4. websecure:
  5. exposedPort: 443
  6. additionalArguments:
  7. - "--providers.kubernetescrd.ingressClass"
  8. - "--log.level=INFO"

Helm Commands

  1. helm repo add traefik
  2. helm repo update
  3. helm install traefik traefik/traefik -f values.yaml