Migration: Steps needed between the versions

v3.0 to v3.1

Kubernetes Provider RBACs

Starting with v3.1, the Kubernetes Providers now use the EndpointSlices API (Kubernetes >=v1.21) to discover service endpoint addresses.

Therefore, in the corresponding RBACs (see KubernetesIngress, KubernetesCRD, and KubernetesGateway provider RBACs), the endpoints right has to be removed and the following endpointslices right has to be added.

  1. ...
  2. - apiGroups:
  3. - discovery.k8s.io
  4. resources:
  5. - endpointslices
  6. verbs:
  7. - list
  8. - watch
  9. ...

Gateway API: KubernetesGateway Provider

In v3.1, the KubernetesGateway Provider is no longer an experimental feature. It can be enabled without the associated experimental.kubernetesgateway option, which is now deprecated.

An example of the experimental kubernetesgateway option

File (YAML)

  1. experimental:
  2. kubernetesgateway: true

File (TOML)

  1. [experimental]
  2. kubernetesgateway=true


  1. --experimental.kubernetesgateway=true

The kubernetesgateway option should be removed from the experimental section of the static configuration. To configure kubernetesgateway, please check out the KubernetesGateway Provider documentation.