After a TiKV cluster is deployed, you need to check whether the cluster runs normally. This document introduces how to check the cluster status using TiUP commands and Grafana, and how to connect to the TiKV cluster using a TiKV client to perform the simple put and get operations.

Check the TiKV cluster status

This section describes how to check the TiKV cluster status using TiUP commands and Grafana.

Use TiUP

Use the tiup cluster display <cluster-name> command to check the cluster status. For example:

  1. tiup cluster display tikv-test

Expected output: If the Status information of each node is Up, the cluster runs normally.

Use Grafana

  1. Log in to the Grafana monitoring at ${Grafana-ip}:3000. The default username and password are both admin.

  2. Click Overview and check the TiKV port status and the load monitoring information.

Connect to the TiKV cluster and perform simple operations

This section describes how to connect to the TiKV cluster using a TiKV client to perform the simple put and get operations.

  1. Download jars

    1. curl -o tikv-client-java.jar
    2. curl -o slf4j-api.jar
  2. Install jshell (include in JDK >= 9)

  3. Try the put and get operations

    To connect the TiKV cluster and use the put and get RawKV API, save the following script to the file

    1. import java.util.*;
    2. import org.tikv.common.TiConfiguration;
    3. import org.tikv.common.TiSession;
    4. import org.tikv.raw.RawKVClient;
    5. import;
    6. TiConfiguration conf = TiConfiguration.createRawDefault("");
    7. TiSession session = TiSession.create(conf);
    8. RawKVClient client = session.createRawClient();
    9. // put
    10. client.put(ByteString.copyFromUtf8("key"), ByteString.copyFromUtf8("Hello, World!"));
    11. // get
    12. System.out.println(client.get(ByteString.copyFromUtf8("key")).toStringUtf8());
  4. Run the test script

    1. jshell --class-path tikv-client-java.jar:slf4j-api.jar --startup
    2. Hello, World!