
An HTTP request may have associated variables (not to be confused with route variables). The GET, POST, or PUTvariables sent with the current HTTP request are exposed via the Slim application’s request object.

If you want to quickly fetch a request variable value without considering its type, use the request object’s params()method:

  1. <?php
  2. $app = new \Slim\Slim();
  3. $paramValue = $app->request->params('paramName');

The params() method will first search PUT variables, then POST variables, then GET variables. If no variablesare found, null is returned. If you only want to search for a specific type of variable, you can use thesemethods instead:

  1. <?php
  2. //GET variable
  3. $paramValue = $app->request->get('paramName');
  4. //POST variable
  5. $paramValue = $app->request->post('paramName');
  6. //PUT variable
  7. $paramValue = $app->request->put('paramName');

If a variable does not exist, each method above will return null. You can also invoke any of these functions withoutan argument to obtain an array of all variables of the given type:

  1. <?php
  2. $allGetVars = $app->request->get();
  3. $allPostVars = $app->request->post();
  4. $allPutVars = $app->request->put();