Authentication & Authorization


In ShardingSphere-Proxy, user authentication and authorization information is configured through authority.

Thanks to ShardingSphere’s pluggable architecture, Proxy provides two levels of privilege providers, namely:

  • ALL_PERMITTED: each user has all privileges without special authorization;
  • DATABASE_PERMITTED: grant the user privileges on the specified logical databases, defined by user-database-mappings.

The administrator can choose which privilege provider to use as needed when configuring authority.


  1. authority:
  2. users:
  3. - user: # Specify the username, and authorized host for logging in to the compute node. Format: <username>@<hostname>. When the hostname is % or an empty string, it indicates that the authorized host is not limited.
  4. password: # Password
  5. authenticationMethodName: # Optional, used to specify the password authentication method for the user
  6. authenticators: # Optional, not required by default, Proxy will automatically choose the authentication method according to the frontend protocol type
  7. authenticatorName:
  8. type: # Authentication method type
  9. defaultAuthenticator: # Optional, specify an authenticator as the default password authentication method
  10. privilege:
  11. type: # Privilege provider type. The default value is ALL_PERMITTED.


Minimalist configuration

  1. authority:
  2. users:
  3. - user: root@%
  4. password: root
  5. - user: sharding
  6. password: sharding


  • Two users are defined: root@% and sharding;
  • authenticationMethodName is not specified for root@, Proxy will automatically choose the authentication method according to the frontend protocol;
  • privilege provider is not specified, the default ALL_PERMITTED will be used;

Authentication configuration

Custom authentication configuration can meet the needs of users in some specific scenarios. Taking openGauss as the frontend protocol type as an example, its default authentication method is scram-sha-256. If the user sharding needs to use an old version of the psql client (which does not support scram-sha-256) to connect to the Proxy, the administrator may allow sharding to use the md5 method for password authentication. The configuration is as follows:

  1. authority:
  2. users:
  3. - user: root@
  4. password: root
  5. - user: sharding
  6. password: sharding
  7. authenticationMethodName: md5
  8. authenticators:
  9. md5:
  10. type: MD5
  11. privilege:
  12. type: ALL_PERMITTED


  • Two users are defined: root@ and sharding;
  • Use MD5 method for password authentication for sharding;
  • Authentication method is not specified for root@, Proxy will automatically choose one according to the frontend protocol;
  • The privilege provider ALL_PERMITTED is specified.

Authorization configuration


  1. authority:
  2. users:
  3. - user: root@
  4. password: root
  5. - user: sharding
  6. password: sharding
  7. privilege:
  8. type: ALL_PERMITTED


  • Two users are defined: root@ and sharding;
  • authenticators and authenticationMethodName are not defined, Proxy will automatically choose the authentication method according to the frontend protocol;
  • The privilege provider ALL_PERMITTED is specified.


  1. authority:
  2. users:
  3. - user: root@
  4. password: root
  5. - user: sharding
  6. password: sharding
  7. privilege:
  9. props:
  10. user-database-mappings: root@*, sharding=test_db, sharding=sharding_db


  • Two users are defined: root@ and sharding;
  • authenticators and authenticationMethodName are not defined, Proxy will automatically choose the authentication method according to the frontend protocol;
  • The privilege provider DATABASE_PERMITTED is specified, authorize root@ to access all logical databases (*), and user sharding can only access test_db and sharding_db.

Please refer to Authority Provider for specific implementation of authority provider.