Data Masking
The data masking Java API rule configuration allows users to directly create ShardingSphereDataSource objects by writing java code. The Java API configuration method is very flexible and can integrate various types of business systems without relying on additional jar packages.
Root Configuration
Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.mask.api.config.MaskRuleConfiguration
Name | DataType | Description | Default Value |
tables (+) | Collection<MaskTableRuleConfiguration> | Mask table rule configurations | |
maskAlgorithms (+) | Map<String, AlgorithmConfiguration> | Mask algorithm name and configurations |
Mask Table Rule Configuration
Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.mask.api.config.rule.MaskTableRuleConfiguration
Name | DataType | Description |
name | String | Table name |
columns (+) | Collection<MaskColumnRuleConfiguration> | Mask column rule configurations |
Mask Column Rule Configuration
Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.mask.api.config.rule.MaskColumnRuleConfiguration
Name | DataType | Description |
logicColumn | String | Logic column name |
maskAlgorithm | String | Mask algorithm name |
Mask Algorithm Configuration
Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.infra.config.algorithm.AlgorithmConfiguration
Name | DataType | Description |
name | String | Mask algorithm name |
type | String | Mask algorithm type |
properties | Properties | Mask algorithm properties |
Please refer to Built-in Data Masking Algorithm List for more details about type of algorithm.
- Create a real data source mapping relationship, where key is the logical name of the data source and value is the datasource object.
- Create the data masking rule object MaskRuleConfiguration, and initialize the mask table object MaskTableRuleConfiguration, mask algorithm and other parameters in the object.
- Call createDataSource of ShardingSphereDataSourceFactory to create ShardingSphereDataSource.
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Properties;
public final class MaskDatabasesConfiguration implements ExampleConfiguration {
public DataSource getDataSource() {
MaskColumnRuleConfiguration passwordColumn = new MaskColumnRuleConfiguration("password", "md5_mask");
MaskColumnRuleConfiguration emailColumn = new MaskColumnRuleConfiguration("email", "mask_before_special_chars_mask");
MaskColumnRuleConfiguration telephoneColumn = new MaskColumnRuleConfiguration("telephone", "keep_first_n_last_m_mask");
MaskTableRuleConfiguration maskTableRuleConfig = new MaskTableRuleConfiguration("t_user", Arrays.asList(passwordColumn, emailColumn, telephoneColumn));
Map<String, AlgorithmConfiguration> maskAlgorithmConfigs = new LinkedHashMap<>(3, 1);
maskAlgorithmConfigs.put("md5_mask", new AlgorithmConfiguration("MD5", new Properties()));
Properties beforeSpecialCharsProps = new Properties();
beforeSpecialCharsProps.put("special-chars", "@");
beforeSpecialCharsProps.put("replace-char", "*");
maskAlgorithmConfigs.put("mask_before_special_chars_mask", new AlgorithmConfiguration("MASK_BEFORE_SPECIAL_CHARS", beforeSpecialCharsProps));
Properties keepFirstNLastMProps = new Properties();
keepFirstNLastMProps.put("first-n", "3");
keepFirstNLastMProps.put("last-m", "4");
keepFirstNLastMProps.put("replace-char", "*");
maskAlgorithmConfigs.put("keep_first_n_last_m_mask", new AlgorithmConfiguration("KEEP_FIRST_N_LAST_M", keepFirstNLastMProps));
MaskRuleConfiguration maskRuleConfig = new MaskRuleConfiguration(Collections.singleton(maskTableRuleConfig), maskAlgorithmConfigs);
try {
return ShardingSphereDataSourceFactory.createDataSource(DataSourceUtil.createDataSource("demo_ds"), Collections.singleton(maskRuleConfig), new Properties());
} catch (final SQLException ex) {
return null;