Deploy Seata Server By Docker

Quick Start

Start a seata-server instance

  1. $ docker run --name seata-server -p 8091:8091 apache/seata-server:2.1.0

Specify server IP and port

  1. $ docker run --name seata-server \
  2. -p 8091:8091 \
  3. -e SEATA_IP= \
  4. -e SEATA_PORT=8091 \
  5. apache/seata-server

Docker compose

Example of docker-compose.yaml

  1. version: "3"
  2. services:
  3. seata-server:
  4. image: apache/seata-server
  5. hostname: seata-server
  6. ports:
  7. - "8091:8091"
  8. environment:
  9. - SEATA_PORT=8091
  10. - STORE_MODE=file

Access container and view log

  1. $ docker exec -it seata-server sh
  1. $ docker logs -f seata-server

Using custom configuration file

Custom configuration implement by mount registry.conf and file.conf to container.

  • Specify registry.conf

The environment variableSEATA_CONFIG_NAME is required when use a custom configuration , and the value must be started with file: like file:/root/seata-config/registry:

  1. $ docker run --name seata-server \
  2. -p 8091:8091 \
  3. -e SEATA_CONFIG_NAME=file:/root/seata-config/registry \
  4. -v /User/seata/config:/root/seata-config \
  5. apache/seata-server

The param -e specify environment, and the param -v specify mount volume.

  • Specify file.conf

If you need specify file.conf, just modify config like below in registry.conf file:

  1. config {
  2. type = "file"
  3. file {
  4. name = "file:/root/seata-config/file.conf"
  5. }
  6. }

Environment Variables

You can modify configuration of seata-server by the environment variables like this:


The variable is optional, specifies registry IP instead of the container IP in registry center like eureka or others.


The variable is optional, specifies seata-server port, default is 8091


The variable is optional, specifies the log store mode of seata-server, support db and file, default is file.


The variable is optional, specifies the seata-server node ID, like 1,2,3…, default is 1


The variable is optional, specifies the seata-server environment, like dev, test etc. Then server will find file like registry-dev.conf under the configuration path when start.


The variable is optional, specifies the configuration file path, like the file:/root/registry, will load file/root/registry.conf as configuration. If need specify file.conf configuration,the value in registry.conf file need to change as related config, like file:/root/file.conf