Ways to Contribute

Other than contributing code changes, there’re lots of other ways to contribute to the RocksDB community. For example:

  • Answer questions on the user group, stackoverflow, facebook group;
  • Report issue with detailed information, if possible attache a test with that;
  • Investigate and fix an issue; We would appreciate if you could help to reproduce the issue, which is typically the hardest part. If you’re looking for an open issue to work on, here is the list of issues up for grab;
  • Review and test a PR. We have some PRs pending review, your reviewing or test can reduce the reviewing load on us;
  • Submit new feature request or implementation. We welcome any feature suggestions, for new feature implementation, please create an issue with the design proposal first. It can help to get more engagement and discussion before reviewing your implementation;
  • Help ongoing features development, here is list of new features that’s actively developing, help us to complete the feature development.

Note: Fixing single unambiguous typo will NOT be accepted as contribution. PR clarifying API comments or attempting to fix all typos in the repository is acceptable.

Before Code Contribution

Before contributing to RocksDB, please make sure that you are able to sign CLA. Your change will not be merged unless you have proper CLA signed. See https://code.facebook.com/cla for more information.

Basic Development Workflow

As most open-source projects in github, RocksDB contributors work on their fork, and send pull requests to RocksDB’s facebook repo. After a reviewer approves the pull request, a RocksDB team member at Facebook will merge it.

How to Run Unit Tests

Build Systems

RocksDB uses gtest. The makefile used for GNU make has some supports to help developers run all unit tests in parallel, which will be introduced below. If you use cmake, you can run the tests with ctest.

Run Unit Tests In Parallel

In order to run unit tests in parallel, first install GNU parallel on your host, and run

  1. make all check [-j]

You can specify number of parallel tests to run using environment variable J=1, for example:

  1. make J=64 all check [-j]

If you switch between release and debug build, normal or lite build, or compiler or compiler options, call make clean first. So here is a safe routine to run all tests:

  1. make clean
  2. make J=64 all check [-j]

Debug Single Unit Test Failures

RocksDB uses gtest. You can run specific unit test by running the test binary that contains it. If you use GNU make, the test binary will be just under your checkpoint. For example, test DBBasicTest.OpenWhenOpen is in binary db_basic_test, so just run

  1. ./db_basic_test

will run all tests in the binary.

gtest provides some useful command line parameters, and you can see them by calling --help:

  1. ./db_basic_test --help

Here are some frequently used ones:

Run subset of tests using --gtest_filter. If you only want to run DBBasicTest.OpenWhenOpen, call

  1. ./db_basic_test --gtest_filter=“*DBBasicTest.OpenWhenOpen*”

By default, the test DB created by tests is cleared up even if test fails. You can try to preserve it by using --gtest_throw_on_failure. If you want to stop the debugger when assert fails, specify --gtest_break_on_failure. KEEP_DB=1 environment variable is another way to preserve the test DB from being deleted at the end of a unit-test run, irrespective of whether the test fails or not:

  1. KEEP_DB=1 ./db_basic_test --gtest_filter=DBBasicTest.Open

By default, the temporary test files will be under /tmp/rocksdbtest-<number>/ (except when running in parallel they are under /dev/shm). You can override the location by using environment variable TEST_TMPDIR. For example:

  1. TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm/my_dir ./db_basic_test

Java Unit Tests

Sometimes we need to run Java tests too. Run

  1. make jclean rocksdbjava jtest

You can put -j but sometimes it causes problem. Try to remove -j if you see problems.

Some other build flavors

For more complicated code changes, we ask contributors to run more build flavors before sending the code review. The makefile for GNU make has better pre-defined support for it, although it can be manually done in CMake too.

To build with AddressSanitizer (ASAN), set environment variable COMPILE_WITH_ASAN:

  1. COMPILE_WITH_ASAN=1 make all check -j

To build with ThreadSanitizer (TSAN), set environment variable COMPILE_WITH_TSAN:

  1. COMPILE_WITH_TSAN=1 make all check -j

To run all valgrind tests:

  1. make valgrind_test -j

To run _UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer (UBSAN), set environment variable COMPILE_WITH_UBSAN:

  1. COMPILE_WITH_UBSAN=1 make all check -j

To run llvm‘s analyzer, run

  1. make analyze

Folly Integration

RocksDB supports integration with Folly in order to provide certain features, such as better LRUCache locking using folly::DistributedMutex, faster hash tables using folly::F14FastMap, async IO in MultiGet using folly coroutines etc. This is experimental as of now and can be enabled as follows -

Install dependencies

This list is likely incomplete, but on Ubuntu I did:

  1. sudo apt-get install openssl libssl-dev autoconf

Checkout and build folly

This is a pre-requisite and is only required once. The build_folly step uses about 4G of space in /tmp.

  1. make checkout_folly
  2. make build_folly

Build RocksDB with folly integration enabled

There are several flavors of folly integration. The coroutines functionality requires gcc 10 or newer, and cmake. The cmake command lines below are for an optimized build. Search cmake docs to learn about CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE if you want a debug build.

Build with full folly integration, including coroutines but without compression libraries

  1. CC=gcc-10 CXX=g++-10 mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DUSE_COROUTINES=1 -DWITH_GFLAGS=1 -DROCKSDB_BUILD_SHARED=0 .. && make -j

Build with full folly integration, including coroutines and lz4 and zstd compression libraries but without setting CC or CXX paths. This only builds the db_bench binary to avoid the time and space needed to compile all binaries.

  1. mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DWITH_LZ4=1 -DWITH_ZSTD=1 -DUSE_COROUTINES=1 -DWITH_GFLAGS=1 -DROCKSDB_BUILD_SHARED=0 .. && make -j db_bench

Build with partial folly integration (no coroutines) (requires gcc 7 or newer) -

  1. USE_FOLLY=1 make -j

You can find this in the RocksDB LOG to confirm there is support for Folly

  1. DMutex implementation: folly::DistributedMutex

Code Style

RocksDB follows Google C++ Style: https://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html Note: a common pattern in existing RocksDB code is using non-nullable Type* for output parameters, in the old Google C++ Style, but this guideline has changed. The new guideline prefers (non-const) references for output parameters.

For formatting, we limit each line to 80 characters. Most formatting can be done automatically by running

  1. build_tools/format-diff.sh

or simply make format if you use GNU make. If you lack of dependencies to run it, the script will print out instructions for you to install them.

Requirements Before Sending a Pull Request


Consider updating HISTORY.md to mention your change, especially if it’s a bug fix, public API change or an awesome new feature.

Pull Request Summary

We recommend a “Test Plan:” section is included in the pull request summary, which introduces what testing is done to validate the quality and performance of the change.

Add Unit Tests

Almost all code changes need to go with changes in unit tests for validation. For new features, new unit tests or tests scenarios need to be added even if it has been validated manually. This is to make sure future contributors can rerun the tests to validate their changes don’t cause problem with the feature.

Simple Changes

Pull requests for simple changes can be sent after running all unit tests with any build favor and see all tests pass. If any public interface is changed, or Java code involved, Java tests also need to be run.

Complex Changes

If the change is complicated enough, ASAN, TSAN and valgrind need to be run on your local environment before sending the pull request. If you run ASAN with higher version of llvm with covers almost all the functionality of valgrind, valgrind tests can be skipped. It may be hard for developers who use Windows. Just try to use the best equivalence tools available in your environment.

Changes with Higher Risk or Some Unknowns

For changes with higher risks, other than running all tests with multiple flavors, a crash test cycle (see Stress Test) needs to be executed and see no failure. If crash test doesn’t cover the new feature, consider to add it there. To run all crash test, run

  1. make crash_test -j
  2. make crash_test_with_atomic_flush -j

If you can’t use GNU make, you can manually build db_stress binary, and run script:

  1. python -u tools/db_crashtest.py whitebox
  2. python -u tools/db_crashtest.py blackbox
  3. python -u tools/db_crashtest.py --simple whitebox
  4. python -u tools/db_crashtest.py --simple blackbox
  5. python -u tools/db_crashtest.py --cf_consistency blackbox
  6. python -u tools/db_crashtest.py --cf_consistency whitebox

Performance Improvement Changes

For changes that might impact performance, we suggest normal benchmarks are run to make sure there is no regression. Depending the actual performance, you may choose to run against a database backed by disks, or memory-backed file systems. Explain in the pull request summary why the performance environment is chosen, if it is not obvious. If the change is to improve performance, bring at least one benchmark test case that favors the improvement and show the improvements.