
A Rocket route attribute can be any one of get, put, post, delete, head, patch, or options, each corresponding to the HTTP method to match against. For example, the following attribute will match against POST requests to the root path:

  1. #[post("/")]

The grammar for these attributes is defined formally in the rocket_codegen API docs.

HEAD Requests

Rocket handles HEAD requests automatically when there exists a GET route that would otherwise match. It does this by stripping the body from the response, if there is one. You can also specialize the handling of a HEAD request by declaring a route for it; Rocket won’t interfere with HEAD requests your application handles.


Because browsers can only send GET and POST requests, Rocket reinterprets request methods under certain conditions. If a POST request contains a body of Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded, and the form’s first field has the name _method and a valid HTTP method name as its value (such as "PUT"), that field’s value is used as the method for the incoming request. This allows Rocket applications to submit non-POST forms. The todo example makes use of this feature to submit PUT and DELETE requests from a web form.