你可以配置 Presto Pulsar 连接器,并通过以下说明部署一个集群。

配置 Presto Pulsar 连接器

你可以在 ${project.root}/conf/presto/catalog/pulsar.properties 属性文件中配置 Presto Pulsar 连接器。 连接器和默认值的配置如下。

  1. # 要在catalog中显示的连接器的名称
  2. connector.name=pulsar
  3. #Pulsar broker 服务URL
  4. pulsar.broker-service-url=http://localhost:8080
  5. # Zookeeper 集群URI
  6. pulsar.zookeeper-uri=localhost:2181
  7. # 一次读取的最小条目数
  8. pulsar.entry-read-batch-size=100
  9. # 每个查询使用的默认拆分数
  10. pulsar.target-num-splits=4

你可以通过多个主机连接 Presto 到 Pulsar 集群。 要为 broker 配置多个主机, 添加多个 URL 到 pulsar.broker-service-url。 要为 ZooKeeper 配置多个主机, 添加多个 URI 到 pulsar.zookeeper-uri。 The following is an example.

  1. pulsar.broker-service-url=http://localhost:8080,localhost:8081,localhost:8082
  2. pulsar.zookeeper-uri=localhost1,localhost2:2181

从现有 Presto 集群查询数据

If you already have a Presto cluster, you can copy the Presto Pulsar connector plugin to your existing cluster. Download the archived plugin package with the following command.

  1. $ wget https://archive.apache.org/dist/pulsar/pulsar-2.6.1/apache-pulsar-2.6.1-bin.tar.gz


Since Pulsar SQL is powered by Presto, the configuration for deployment is the same for the Pulsar SQL worker.

For how to set up a standalone single node environment, refer to Query data.

您可以使用相同的 CLI 参数作为 Presto 启动器。

  1. $ ./bin/pulsar sql-worker --help
  2. Usage: launcher [options] command
  3. Commands: run, start, stop, restart, kill, status
  4. Options:
  5. -h, --help show this help message and exit
  6. -v, --verbose Run verbosely
  7. --etc-dir=DIR Defaults to INSTALL_PATH/etc
  8. --launcher-config=FILE
  9. Defaults to INSTALL_PATH/bin/launcher.properties
  10. --node-config=FILE Defaults to ETC_DIR/node.properties
  11. --jvm-config=FILE Defaults to ETC_DIR/jvm.config
  12. --config=FILE Defaults to ETC_DIR/config.properties
  13. --log-levels-file=FILE
  14. Defaults to ETC_DIR/log.properties
  15. --data-dir=DIR Defaults to INSTALL_PATH
  16. --pid-file=FILE Defaults to DATA_DIR/var/run/launcher.pid
  17. --launcher-log-file=FILE
  18. Defaults to DATA_DIR/var/log/launcher.log (only in
  19. daemon mode)
  20. --server-log-file=FILE
  21. Defaults to DATA_DIR/var/log/server.log (only in
  22. daemon mode)
  23. -D NAME=VALUE Set a Java system property

The default configuration for the cluster is located in ${project.root}/conf/presto. You can customize your deployment by modifying the default configuration.


  1. $ ./bin/pulsar sql-worker run --etc-dir /tmp/incubator-pulsar/conf/presto --data-dir /tmp/presto-1


  1. $ ./bin sql-worker start


You can deploy a Pulsar SQL cluster or Presto cluster on multiple nodes. The following example shows how to deploy a cluster on three-node cluster.

  1. 复制 Pulsar 二进制文件并分布到三个节点。

The first node runs as Presto coordinator. The minimal configuration requirement in the ${project.root}/conf/presto/config.properties file is as follows.

  1. coordinator=true
  2. node-scheduler.include-coordinator=true
  3. http-server.http.port=8080
  4. query.max-memory=50GB
  5. query.max-memory-per-node=1GB
  6. discovery-server.enabled=true
  7. discovery.uri=<coordinator-url>

另两个节点作为 worker 节点,可以使用下面的配置:

  1. coordinator=false
  2. http-server.http.port=8080
  3. query.max-memory=50GB
  4. query.max-memory-per-node=1GB
  5. discovery.uri=<coordinator-url>
  1. 修改 pulsar.broker-service-url and pulsar.zoocheeper-uri 配置在 ${project.root}/conf/presto/catalog/pulsar.properties 相应地为三个节点配置文件。

  2. 启动 Coordinator 节点。

  1. $ ./bin/pulsar sql-worker run
  1. 启动 worker 节点。
  1. $ ./bin/pulsar sql-worker run
  1. 启动 SQL CLI 并检查集群的状态。
  1. $ ./bin/pulsar sql --server <coordinate_url>
  1. 检查节点的状态。
  1. presto> SELECT * FROM system.runtime.nodes;
  2. node_id | http_uri | node_version | coordinator | state
  3. ---------+-------------------------+--------------+-------------+--------
  4. 1 | | testversion | true | active
  5. 3 | | testversion | false | active
  6. 2 | | testversion | false | active

For more information about deployment in Presto, refer to Presto deployment.

The broker does not advance LAC, so when Pulsar SQL bypass broker to query data, it can only read entries up to the LAC that all the bookies learned. You can enable periodically write LAC on the broker by setting “bookkeeperExplicitLacIntervalInMills” in the broker.conf.