本教程详细解释了如何开发 Pulsar Functions。
在 Java 和 Python 中,编写 Pulsar Functions 的方式有两种。 在 Go 中,可以使用 Pulsar Functions SDK。
Interface | Description | 使用场景 |
语言原生接口 | 不需要特定于 Pulsar 的库或特殊依赖(仅需要 Java/Python 的核心库)。 | 不需要访问 context function 的 functions。 |
适用于 Java/Python/Go 的 Pulsar Function SDK | 特定于 Pulsar 的库,提供“本地”接口未提供的一系列功能。 | 需要访问 context function 的 functions。 |
语言原生 function 没有外部依赖关系,该 function 为所有传入的字符串添加感叹号,并将结果发布到 topic。 语言原生 function示例如下。
import java.util.function.Function;public class JavaNativeExclamationFunction implements Function<String, String> { @Override public String apply(String input) { return String.format("%s!", input); }}
def process(input): return "{}!".format(input)
注意 可以在 Python2 或 Python3 中编写 Pulsar Functions。 但是,Pulsar 只将
作为解释器。如果在仅支持 python3 的 Ubuntu 系统上运行 Pulsar Functions,则可能无法运行 functions。 在这种情况下,可以创建符号链接。 Your system will fail if you subsequently install any other package that depends on Python 2.x. A solution is under development in Issue 5518.
sudo update-alternatives —install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3 10
使用 Pulsar Functions SDK 的示例如下。
import org.apache.pulsar.functions.api.Context;import org.apache.pulsar.functions.api.Function;public class ExclamationFunction implements Function<String, String> { @Override public String process(String input, Context context) { return String.format("%s!", input); }}
from pulsar import Functionclass ExclamationFunction(Function): def __init__(self): pass def process(self, input, context): return input + '!'
package mainimport ( "context" "fmt" "github.com/apache/pulsar/pulsar-function-go/pf")func HandleRequest(ctx context.Context, in []byte) error{ fmt.Println(string(in) + "!") return nil}func main() { pf.Start(HandleRequest)}
Schema registry
Pulsar 有一个内置的 schema registry,还有各种常用的 schema 类型(avro、json、protobuf)。 Pulsar Functions 可以利用输入 topic 中现有 schema 的信息,并派生出输入类型。 Schema registry 也适用于输出 topic。
SerDe stands for Serialization and Deserialization. Pulsar Functions 使用 SerDe 向 Pulsar topic 发布数据或使用其中的数据。 默认情况下,SerDe 的工作方式取决于特定 function 所使用的语言。
当使用 Java 编写 Pulsar Functions 时,默认内置以下基本 Java 类型:
要自定义 Java 类型,需要实现以下接口。
public interface SerDe<T> { T deserialize(byte[] input); byte[] serialize(T input);}
在 Python 中,默认的 SerDe 是 identity,即该类型将被序列化为 producer function 返回的类型。
$ bin/pulsar-admin functions create \ --tenant public \ --namespace default \ --name my_function \ --py my_function.py \ --classname my_function.MyFunction \ --custom-serde-inputs '{"input-topic-1":"Serde1","input-topic-2":"Serde2"}' \ --output-serde-classname Serde3 \ --output output-topic-1
此案例包含两个输入 topic:input-topic-1
和 input-topic-2
,它们分别映射到不同的 SerDe 类(映射必须指定为 JSON 字符串)。 The output topic, output-topic-1
, uses the Serde3
class for SerDe. 目前,所有 Pulsar Functions 逻辑(包括处理函数和 SerDe 类)都必须包含在同一个 Python 文件中。
在将 Pulsar Functions 用于 Python 时,有三个 SerDe 可供选择:
- You can use the
, which leaves the data unchanged. TheIdentitySerDe
is the default. 在未显式指定 SerDe 的情况下创建或运行 function 即使用此选项。 - 可以使用
,将 Pythonpickle
用于 SerDe。 - You can create a custom SerDe class by implementing the baseline
class, which has just two methods:serialize
for converting the object into bytes, anddeserialize
for converting bytes into an object of the required application-specific type.
下表显示了每个 SerDe 的使用情形。
SerDe option | When to use |
IdentitySerde | 在使用简单类型(如:字符串、布尔值、整型)时。 |
PickleSerDe | 在使用复杂的、特定于某应用程序的类型,并且适合于 pickle 的 “best effort”方法时。 |
Custom SerDe | 在需要显示控制 SerDe 时,可能是出于性能或数据兼容性的考虑。 |
当前,该功能在 Go 中不可用。
Imagine that you’re writing Pulsar Functions that are processing tweet objects, you can refer to the following example of Tweet
public class Tweet { private String username; private String tweetContent; public Tweet(String username, String tweetContent) { this.username = username; this.tweetContent = tweetContent; } // Standard setters and getters}
To pass Tweet
objects directly between Pulsar Functions, you need to provide a custom SerDe class. In the example below, Tweet
objects are basically strings in which the username and tweet content are separated by a |
package com.example.serde;import org.apache.pulsar.functions.api.SerDe;import java.util.regex.Pattern;public class TweetSerde implements SerDe<Tweet> { public Tweet deserialize(byte[] input) { String s = new String(input); String[] fields = s.split(Pattern.quote("|")); return new Tweet(fields[0], fields[1]); } public byte[] serialize(Tweet input) { return "%s|%s".format(input.getUsername(), input.getTweetContent()).getBytes(); }}
To apply this customized SerDe to a particular Pulsar Function, you need to:
- 将
类打包到一个 JAR 中。 - 部署 function 时,指定 JAR 和 SerDe 类名称的路径。
The following is an example of create
$ bin/pulsar-admin functions create \ --jar /path/to/your.jar \ --output-serde-classname com.example.serde.TweetSerde \ # Other function attributes
Custom SerDe classes must be packaged with your function JARs
Pulsar does not store your custom SerDe classes separately from your Pulsar Functions. 需要在 function JAR 中包含 SerDe 类。 否则,Pulsar 将返回错误。
class Tweet(object): def __init__(self, username, tweet_content): self.username = username self.tweet_content = tweet_content
In order to use this class in Pulsar Functions, you have two options:
- 可以指定
库 SerDe. - 可以自己创建 SerDe 类。 The following is an example.
from pulsar import SerDeclass TweetSerDe(SerDe): def serialize(self, input): return bytes("{0}|{1}".format(input.username, input.tweet_content)) def deserialize(self, input_bytes): tweet_components = str(input_bytes).split('|') return Tweet(tweet_components[0], tweet_componentsp[1])
For complete code, see here.
In both languages, however, you can write custom SerDe logic for more complex, application-specific types.
Java, Python and Go SDKs provide access to a context object that can be used by a function. This context object provides a wide variety of information and functionality to the function.
- The name and ID of a Pulsar Function.
- The message ID of each message. Each Pulsar message is automatically assigned with an ID.
- The key, event time, properties and partition key of each message.
- The name of the topic to which the message is sent.
- The names of all input topics as well as the output topic associated with the function.
- The name of the class used for SerDe.
- The tenant and namespace associated with the function.
- The ID of the Pulsar Functions instance running the function.
- The version of the function.
- The logger object used by the function, which can be used to create function log messages.
- Access to arbitrary user configuration values supplied via the CLI.
- An interface for recording metrics.
- An interface for storing and retrieving state in state storage.
- A function to publish new messages onto arbitrary topics.
- A function to ack the message being processed (if auto-ack is disabled).
Context interface provides a number of methods that you can use to access the function context. The various method signatures for the Context
interface are listed as follows.
public interface Context { Record<?> getCurrentRecord(); Collection<String> getInputTopics(); String getOutputTopic(); String getOutputSchemaType(); String getTenant(); String getNamespace(); String getFunctionName(); String getFunctionId(); String getInstanceId(); String getFunctionVersion(); Logger getLogger(); void incrCounter(String key, long amount); void incrCounterAsync(String key, long amount); long getCounter(String key); long getCounterAsync(String key); void putState(String key, ByteBuffer value); void putStateAsync(String key, ByteBuffer value); void deleteState(String key); ByteBuffer getState(String key); ByteBuffer getStateAsync(String key); Map<String, Object> getUserConfigMap(); Optional<Object> getUserConfigValue(String key); Object getUserConfigValueOrDefault(String key, Object defaultValue); void recordMetric(String metricName, double value); <O> CompletableFuture<Void> publish(String topicName, O object, String schemaOrSerdeClassName); <O> CompletableFuture<Void> publish(String topicName, O object);}
The following example uses several methods available via the Context
import org.apache.pulsar.functions.api.Context;import org.apache.pulsar.functions.api.Function;import org.slf4j.Logger;import java.util.stream.Collectors;public class ContextFunction implements Function<String, Void> { public Void process(String input, Context context) { Logger LOG = context.getLogger(); String inputTopics = context.getInputTopics().stream().collect(Collectors.joining(", ")); String functionName = context.getFunctionName(); String logMessage = String.format("A message with a value of \"%s\" has arrived on one of the following topics: %s\n", input, inputTopics); LOG.info(logMessage); String metricName = String.format("function-%s-messages-received", functionName); context.recordMetric(metricName, 1); return null; }}
class ContextImpl(pulsar.Context): def get_message_id(self): ... def get_message_key(self): ... def get_message_eventtime(self): ... def get_message_properties(self): ... def get_current_message_topic_name(self): ... def get_partition_key(self): ... def get_function_name(self): ... def get_function_tenant(self): ... def get_function_namespace(self): ... def get_function_id(self): ... def get_instance_id(self): ... def get_function_version(self): ... def get_logger(self): ... def get_user_config_value(self, key): ... def get_user_config_map(self): ... def record_metric(self, metric_name, metric_value): ... def get_input_topics(self): ... def get_output_topic(self): ... def get_output_serde_class_name(self): ... def publish(self, topic_name, message, serde_class_name="serde.IdentitySerDe", properties=None, compression_type=None, callback=None, message_conf=None): ... def ack(self, msgid, topic): ... def get_and_reset_metrics(self): ... def reset_metrics(self): ... def get_metrics(self): ... def incr_counter(self, key, amount): ... def get_counter(self, key): ... def del_counter(self, key): ... def put_state(self, key, value): ... def get_state(self, key): ...
func (c *FunctionContext) GetInstanceID() int { return c.instanceConf.instanceID}func (c *FunctionContext) GetInputTopics() []string { return c.inputTopics}func (c *FunctionContext) GetOutputTopic() string { return c.instanceConf.funcDetails.GetSink().Topic}func (c *FunctionContext) GetFuncTenant() string { return c.instanceConf.funcDetails.Tenant}func (c *FunctionContext) GetFuncName() string { return c.instanceConf.funcDetails.Name}func (c *FunctionContext) GetFuncNamespace() string { return c.instanceConf.funcDetails.Namespace}func (c *FunctionContext) GetFuncID() string { return c.instanceConf.funcID}func (c *FunctionContext) GetFuncVersion() string { return c.instanceConf.funcVersion}func (c *FunctionContext) GetUserConfValue(key string) interface{} { return c.userConfigs[key]}func (c *FunctionContext) GetUserConfMap() map[string]interface{} { return c.userConfigs}
The following example uses several methods available via the Context
import ( "context" "fmt" "github.com/apache/pulsar/pulsar-function-go/pf")func contextFunc(ctx context.Context) { if fc, ok := pf.FromContext(ctx); ok { fmt.Printf("function ID is:%s, ", fc.GetFuncID()) fmt.Printf("function version is:%s\n", fc.GetFuncVersion()) }}
For complete code, see here.
User config
When you run or update Pulsar Functions created using SDK, you can pass arbitrary key/values to them with the command line with the --user-config
flag. Key/values must be specified as JSON. The following function creation command passes a user configured key/value to a function.
$ bin/pulsar-admin functions create \
--name word-filter \
# Other function configs
--user-config '{"forbidden-word":"rosebud"}'
The Java SDK
object enables you to access key/value pairs provided to Pulsar Functions via the command line (as JSON). The following example passes a key/value pair.
$ bin/pulsar-admin functions create \ # Other function configs --user-config '{"word-of-the-day":"verdure"}'
To access that value in a Java function:
import org.apache.pulsar.functions.api.Context;import org.apache.pulsar.functions.api.Function;import org.slf4j.Logger;import java.util.Optional;public class UserConfigFunction implements Function<String, Void> { @Override public void apply(String input, Context context) { Logger LOG = context.getLogger(); Optional<String> wotd = context.getUserConfigValue("word-of-the-day"); if (wotd.isPresent()) { LOG.info("The word of the day is {}", wotd); } else { LOG.warn("No word of the day provided"); } return null; }}
The UserConfigFunction
function will log the string "The word of the day is verdure"
every time the function is invoked (which means every time a message arrives). The word-of-the-day
user config will be changed only when the function is updated with a new config value via the command line.
You can also access the entire user config map or set a default value in case no value is present:
// Get the whole config mapMap<String, String> allConfigs = context.getUserConfigMap();// Get value or resort to defaultString wotd = context.getUserConfigValueOrDefault("word-of-the-day", "perspicacious");
For all key/value pairs passed to Java functions, both the key and the value are
. 要将值设置为其他类型,则需要对String
In Python function, you can access the configuration value like this.
from pulsar import Functionclass WordFilter(Function): def process(self, context, input): forbidden_word = context.user_config()["forbidden-word"] # Don't publish the message if it contains the user-supplied # forbidden word if forbidden_word in input: pass # Otherwise publish the message else: return input
The Python SDK Context
object enables you to access key/value pairs provided to Pulsar Functions via the command line (as JSON). The following example passes a key/value pair.
$ bin/pulsar-admin functions create \ # Other function configs \ --user-config '{"word-of-the-day":"verdure"}'
To access that value in a Python function:
from pulsar import Functionclass UserConfigFunction(Function): def process(self, input, context): logger = context.get_logger() wotd = context.get_user_config_value('word-of-the-day') if wotd is None: logger.warn('No word of the day provided') else: logger.info("The word of the day is {0}".format(wotd))
当前,该功能在 Go 中不可用。
Pulsar Functions that use the Java SDK have access to an
SLF4j Logger
object that can be used to produce logs at the chosen log level. The following example logs either a WARNING
- or INFO
-level log based on whether the incoming string contains the word danger
import org.apache.pulsar.functions.api.Context;import org.apache.pulsar.functions.api.Function;import org.slf4j.Logger;public class LoggingFunction implements Function<String, Void> { @Override public void apply(String input, Context context) { Logger LOG = context.getLogger(); String messageId = new String(context.getMessageId()); if (input.contains("danger")) { LOG.warn("A warning was received in message {}", messageId); } else { LOG.info("Message {} received\nContent: {}", messageId, input); } return null; }}
If you want your function to produce logs, you need to specify a log topic when creating or running the function. The following is an example.
$ bin/pulsar-admin functions create \ --jar my-functions.jar \ --classname my.package.LoggingFunction \ --log-topic persistent://public/default/logging-function-logs \ # Other function configs
All logs produced by LoggingFunction
above can be accessed via the persistent://public/default/logging-function-logs
Pulsar Functions that use the Python SDK have access to a logging object that can be used to produce logs at the chosen log level. The following example function that logs either a
- or INFO
-level log based on whether the incoming string contains the word danger
from pulsar import Functionclass LoggingFunction(Function): def process(self, input, context): logger = context.get_logger() msg_id = context.get_message_id() if 'danger' in input: logger.warn("A warning was received in message {0}".format(context.get_message_id())) else: logger.info("Message {0} received\nContent: {1}".format(msg_id, input))
If you want your function to produce logs on a Pulsar topic, you need to specify a log topic when creating or running the function. The following is an example.
$ bin/pulsar-admin functions create \ --py logging_function.py \ --classname logging_function.LoggingFunction \ --log-topic logging-function-logs \ # Other function configs
All logs produced by LoggingFunction
above can be accessed via the logging-function-logs
The following Go Function example shows different log levels based on the function input.
import ( "context" "github.com/apache/pulsar/pulsar-function-go/pf" log "github.com/apache/pulsar/pulsar-function-go/logutil")func loggerFunc(ctx context.Context, input []byte) { if len(input) <= 100 { log.Infof("This input has a length of: %d", len(input)) } else { log.Warnf("This input is getting too long! It has {%d} characters", len(input)) }}func main() { pf.Start(loggerFunc)}
When you use logTopic
related functionalities in Go Function, import github.com/apache/pulsar/pulsar-function-go/logutil
, and you do not have to use the getLogger()
context object.
Pulsar Functions can publish arbitrary metrics to the metrics interface which can be queried.
如果 Pulsar Function 使用 Java 或 Python 的语言本机接口,则该 function 无法将度量和统计信息发布到 Pulsar。
You can record metrics using the
object on a per-key basis. For example, you can set a metric for the process-count
key and a different metric for the elevens-count
key every time the function processes a message.
import org.apache.pulsar.functions.api.Context;import org.apache.pulsar.functions.api.Function;public class MetricRecorderFunction implements Function<Integer, Void> { @Override public void apply(Integer input, Context context) { // Records the metric 1 every time a message arrives context.recordMetric("hit-count", 1); // Records the metric only if the arriving number equals 11 if (input == 11) { context.recordMetric("elevens-count", 1); } return null; }}
For instructions on reading and using metrics, see the Monitoring guide.
You can record metrics using the
object on a per-key basis. For example, you can set a metric for the process-count
key and a different metric for the elevens-count
key every time the function processes a message. The following is an example.
from pulsar import Functionclass MetricRecorderFunction(Function): def process(self, input, context): context.record_metric('hit-count', 1) if input == 11: context.record_metric('elevens-count', 1)
当前,该功能在 Go 中不可用。
To access metrics created by Pulsar Functions, refer to Monitoring in Pulsar.
If you want to enable security on Pulsar Functions, first you should enable security on Functions Workers. For more details, refer to Security settings.
Pulsar Functions can support the following providers:
- ClearTextSecretsProvider
- EnvironmentBasedSecretsProvider
Pulsar Function supports ClearTextSecretsProvider by default.
At the same time, Pulsar Functions provides two interfaces, SecretsProvider and SecretsProviderConfigurator, allowing users to customize secret provider.
You can get secret provider using the
object. The following is an example:
import org.apache.pulsar.functions.api.Context;import org.apache.pulsar.functions.api.Function;import org.slf4j.Logger;public class GetSecretProviderFunction implements Function<String, Void> { @Override public Void process(String input, Context context) throws Exception { Logger LOG = context.getLogger(); String secretProvider = context.getSecret(input); if (!secretProvider.isEmpty()) { LOG.info("The secret provider is {}", secretProvider); } else { LOG.warn("No secret provider"); } return null; }}
You can get secret provider using the
object. The following is an example:
from pulsar import Functionclass GetSecretProviderFunction(Function): def process(self, input, context): logger = context.get_logger() secret_provider = context.get_secret(input) if secret_provider is None: logger.warn('No secret provider') else: logger.info("The secret provider is {0}".format(secret_provider))
当前,该功能在 Go 中不可用。
State storage
Pulsar Functions使用 Apache Bookerper 存储状态。 Pulsar installation, including the local standalone installation, includes deployment of BookKeeper bookies.
Since Pulsar 2.1.0 release, Pulsar integrates with Apache BookKeeper table service to store the State
for functions. For example, a WordCount
function can store its counters
state into BookKeeper table service via Pulsar Functions State API.
States are key-value pairs, where the key is a string and the value is arbitrary binary data - counters are stored as 64-bit big-endian binary values. Keys are scoped to an individual Pulsar Function, and shared between instances of that function.
You can access states within Pulsar Java Functions using the putState
, putStateAsync
, getState
, getStateAsync
, incrCounter
, incrCounterAsync
, getCounter
, getCounterAsync
and deleteState
calls on the context object. You can access states within Pulsar Python Functions using the putState
, getState
, incrCounter
, getCounter
and deleteState
calls on the context object. You can also manage states using the querystate and putstate options to pulsar-admin functions
State storage is not available in Go.
Currently Pulsar Functions expose the following APIs for mutating and accessing State. These APIs are available in the
Context object when you are using Java SDK functions.
/** * Increment the builtin distributed counter refered by key * @param key The name of the key * @param amount The amount to be incremented */ void incrCounter(String key, long amount);
The application can use incrCounter
to change the counter of a given key
by the given amount
/** * Increment the builtin distributed counter referred by key * but dont wait for the completion of the increment operation * * @param key The name of the key * @param amount The amount to be incremented */ CompletableFuture<Void> incrCounterAsync(String key, long amount);
The application can use incrCounterAsync
to asynchronously change the counter of a given key
by the given amount
/** * Retrieve the counter value for the key. * * @param key name of the key * @return the amount of the counter value for this key */ long getCounter(String key);
The application can use getCounter
to retrieve the counter of a given key
mutated by incrCounter
Except the counter
API, Pulsar also exposes a general key/value API for functions to store general key/value state.
/** * Retrieve the counter value for the key, but don't wait * for the operation to be completed * * @param key name of the key * @return the amount of the counter value for this key */ CompletableFuture<Long> getCounterAsync(String key);
The application can use getCounterAsync
to asynchronously retrieve the counter of a given key
mutated by incrCounterAsync
/** * Update the state value for the key. * * @param key name of the key * @param value state value of the key */ void putState(String key, ByteBuffer value);
/** * Update the state value for the key, but don't wait for the operation to be completed * * @param key name of the key * @param value state value of the key */ CompletableFuture<Void> putStateAsync(String key, ByteBuffer value);
The application can use putStateAsync
to asynchronously update the state of a given key
/** * Retrieve the state value for the key. * * @param key name of the key * @return the state value for the key. */ ByteBuffer getState(String key);
/** * Retrieve the state value for the key, but don't wait for the operation to be completed * * @param key name of the key * @return the state value for the key. */ CompletableFuture<ByteBuffer> getStateAsync(String key);
The application can use getStateAsync
to asynchronously retrieve the state of a given key
/** * Delete the state value for the key. * * @param key name of the key */
Counters and binary values share the same keyspace, so this deletes either type.
Currently Pulsar Functions expose the following APIs for mutating and accessing State. These APIs are available in the
Context object when you are using Python SDK functions.
def incr_counter(self, key, amount): """incr the counter of a given key in the managed state"""
Application can use incr_counter
to change the counter of a given key
by the given amount
. If the key
does not exist, a new key is created.
def get_counter(self, key): """get the counter of a given key in the managed state"""
Application can use get_counter
to retrieve the counter of a given key
mutated by incrCounter
Except the counter
API, Pulsar also exposes a general key/value API for functions to store general key/value state.
def put_state(self, key, value): """update the value of a given key in the managed state"""
The key is a string, and the value is arbitrary binary data.
def get_state(self, key): """get the value of a given key in the managed state"""
def del_counter(self, key): """delete the counter of a given key in the managed state"""
Counters and binary values share the same keyspace, so this deletes either type.
Query State
A Pulsar Function can use the State API for storing state into Pulsar’s state storage and retrieving state back from Pulsar’s state storage. Additionally Pulsar also provides CLI commands for querying its state.
$ bin/pulsar-admin functions querystate \
--tenant <tenant> \
--namespace <namespace> \
--name <function-name> \
--state-storage-url <bookkeeper-service-url> \
--key <state-key> \
If --watch
is specified, the CLI will watch the value of the provided state-key
is a very good example demonstrating on how Application can easily store state
in Pulsar Functions.
import org.apache.pulsar.functions.api.Context;import org.apache.pulsar.functions.api.Function;import java.util.Arrays;public class WordCountFunction implements Function<String, Void> { @Override public Void process(String input, Context context) throws Exception { Arrays.asList(input.split("\\.")).forEach(word -> context.incrCounter(word, 1)); return null; }}
The logic of this WordCount
function is pretty simple and straightforward:
- The function first splits the received
into multiple words using regex\\.
. - For each
, the function increments the correspondingcounter
by 1 (viaincrCounter(key, amount)
from pulsar import Functionclass WordCount(Function): def process(self, item, context): for word in item.split(): context.incr_counter(word, 1)
The logic of this WordCount
function is pretty simple and straightforward:
- 该 function 首先将接收到的字符串拆分为多个单词。
- 对于每个
,该 function 将相应的counter
递增1(通过incr_counter(key, amount)