IP Functions

ip_prefix(ip_address, prefix_bits) -> ipprefix()

Returns the IP prefix of a given ip_address with subnet size of prefix_bits. ip_address can be either of type VARCHAR or type IPADDRESS.

  1. SELECT ip_prefix(CAST('' AS IPADDRESS), 9); -- {}
  2. SELECT ip_prefix('2001:0db8:85a3:0001:0001:8a2e:0370:7334', 48); -- {2001:db8:85a3::/48}

ip_subnet_min(ip_prefix) -> ip_address()

Returns the smallest IP address of type IPADDRESS in the subnet specified by ip_prefix.

  1. SELECT ip_subnet_min(IPPREFIX ''); -- {}
  2. SELECT ip_subnet_min(IPPREFIX '2001:0db8:85a3:0001:0001:8a2e:0370:7334/48'); -- {2001:db8:85a3::}

ip_subnet_max(ip_prefix) -> ip_address()

Returns the largest IP address of type IPADDRESS in the subnet specified by ip_prefix.

  1. SELECT ip_subnet_max(IPPREFIX ''); -- {}
  2. SELECT ip_subnet_max(IPPREFIX '2001:0db8:85a3:0001:0001:8a2e:0370:7334/48'); -- {2001:db8:85a3:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff}

ip_subnet_range(ip_prefix) -> array(ip_address)

Return an array of 2 IP addresses. The array contains the smallest and the largest IP address in the subnet specified by ip_prefix.

  1. SELECT ip_subnet_range(IPPREFIX ''); -- [{}, {}]
  2. SELECT ip_subnet_range(IPPREFIX '64:ff9b::52f4/120'); -- [{64:ff9b::5200}, {64:ff9b::52ff}]

is_subnet_of(ip_prefix, ip_address) -> boolean()

Returns true if the ip_address is in the subnet of ip_prefix.

  1. SELECT is_subnet_of(IPPREFIX '', IPADDRESS ''); -- true
  2. SELECT is_subnet_of(IPPREFIX '64:fa9b::17/64', IPADDRESS '64:ffff::17'); -- false

is_subnet_of(ip_prefix1, ip_prefix2) -> boolean()

Returns true if ip_prefix2 is a subnet of ip_prefix1.

  1. SELECT is_subnet_of(IPPREFIX '', IPPREFIX ''); -- true
  2. SELECT is_subnet_of(IPPREFIX '64:ff9b::17/64', IPPREFIX '64:ffff::17/64'); -- false
  3. SELECT is_subnet_of(IPPREFIX '', IPPREFIX ''); -- true

ip_prefix_collapse(array(ip_prefix)) -> array(ip_prefix)

Returns the minimal CIDR representation of the input IPPREFIX array. Every IPPREFIX in the input array must be the same IP version (that is, only IPv4 or only IPv6) or the query will fail and raise an error.

  2. SELECT IP_PREFIX_COLLAPSE(ARRAY[IPPREFIX '2620:10d:c090::/48', IPPREFIX '2620:10d:c091::/48']); -- [{2620:10d:c090::/47}]