
  1. SHOW STATS FOR table
  2. SHOW STATS FOR ( SELECT * FROM table [ WHERE condition ] )
  3. SHOW STATS FOR ( SELECT col1, col2,... colN FROM table [ WHERE condition ] )


Returns approximated statistics for the named table or for the results of a (limited) query.

Statistics are returned for the specified columns, along with a summary row.(column_name will be NULL for the summary row).

column_nameThe name of the column
data_sizeThe total size in bytes of all of the values in the column
distinct_values_countThe number of distinct values in the column
nulls_fractionsThe portion of the values in the column that are NULL
row_countThe number of rows (only returned for the summary row)
low_valueThe lowest value found in this column (only for some types)
high_valueThe highest value found in this column (only for some types)