10. Logging

PHPUnit can produce several types of logfiles.

Test Results (XML)

The XML logfile for test results produced by PHPUnit is based upon the one used by the JUnit task for Apache Ant. The following example shows the XML logfile generated for the tests in ArrayTest:

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <testsuites>
  3. <testsuite name="ArrayTest"
  4. file="/home/sb/ArrayTest.php"
  5. tests="2"
  6. assertions="2"
  7. failures="0"
  8. errors="0"
  9. time="0.016030">
  10. <testcase name="testNewArrayIsEmpty"
  11. class="ArrayTest"
  12. file="/home/sb/ArrayTest.php"
  13. line="6"
  14. assertions="1"
  15. time="0.008044"/>
  16. <testcase name="testArrayContainsAnElement"
  17. class="ArrayTest"
  18. file="/home/sb/ArrayTest.php"
  19. line="15"
  20. assertions="1"
  21. time="0.007986"/>
  22. </testsuite>
  23. </testsuites>

The following XML logfile was generated for two tests, testFailure and testError, of a test case class named FailureErrorTest and shows how failures and errors are denoted.

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <testsuites>
  3. <testsuite name="FailureErrorTest"
  4. file="/home/sb/FailureErrorTest.php"
  5. tests="2"
  6. assertions="1"
  7. failures="1"
  8. errors="1"
  9. time="0.019744">
  10. <testcase name="testFailure"
  11. class="FailureErrorTest"
  12. file="/home/sb/FailureErrorTest.php"
  13. line="6"
  14. assertions="1"
  15. time="0.011456">
  16. <failure type="PHPUnit\Framework\ExpectationFailedException">
  17. testFailure(FailureErrorTest)
  18. Failed asserting that &lt;integer:2&gt; matches expected value &lt;integer:1&gt;.
  19. /home/sb/FailureErrorTest.php:8
  20. </failure>
  21. </testcase>
  22. <testcase name="testError"
  23. class="FailureErrorTest"
  24. file="/home/sb/FailureErrorTest.php"
  25. line="11"
  26. assertions="0"
  27. time="0.008288">
  28. <error type="Exception">testError(FailureErrorTest)
  29. Exception:
  30. /home/sb/FailureErrorTest.php:13
  31. </error>
  32. </testcase>
  33. </testsuite>
  34. </testsuites>

Code Coverage (XML)

The XML format for code coverage information logging produced by PHPUnit is loosely based upon the one used by Clover. The following example shows the XML logfile generated for the tests in BankAccountTest:

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <coverage generated="1184835473" phpunit="3.6.0">
  3. <project name="BankAccountTest" timestamp="1184835473">
  4. <file name="/home/sb/BankAccount.php">
  5. <class name="BankAccountException">
  6. <metrics methods="0" coveredmethods="0" statements="0"
  7. coveredstatements="0" elements="0" coveredelements="0"/>
  8. </class>
  9. <class name="BankAccount">
  10. <metrics methods="4" coveredmethods="4" statements="13"
  11. coveredstatements="5" elements="17" coveredelements="9"/>
  12. </class>
  13. <line num="77" type="method" count="3"/>
  14. <line num="79" type="stmt" count="3"/>
  15. <line num="89" type="method" count="2"/>
  16. <line num="91" type="stmt" count="2"/>
  17. <line num="92" type="stmt" count="0"/>
  18. <line num="93" type="stmt" count="0"/>
  19. <line num="94" type="stmt" count="2"/>
  20. <line num="96" type="stmt" count="0"/>
  21. <line num="105" type="method" count="1"/>
  22. <line num="107" type="stmt" count="1"/>
  23. <line num="109" type="stmt" count="0"/>
  24. <line num="119" type="method" count="1"/>
  25. <line num="121" type="stmt" count="1"/>
  26. <line num="123" type="stmt" count="0"/>
  27. <metrics loc="126" ncloc="37" classes="2" methods="4" coveredmethods="4"
  28. statements="13" coveredstatements="5" elements="17"
  29. coveredelements="9"/>
  30. </file>
  31. <metrics files="1" loc="126" ncloc="37" classes="2" methods="4"
  32. coveredmethods="4" statements="13" coveredstatements="5"
  33. elements="17" coveredelements="9"/>
  34. </project>
  35. </coverage>

Code Coverage (TEXT)

Human readable code coverage output for the command-line or a text file.

The aim of this output format is to provide a coverage overview while working on a small set of classes. For bigger projects this output can be useful to get an overview of the projects coverage or when used with the --filter functionality. When used from the command-line by writing to php://stdout this will honor the --colors setting. Writing to standard out is the default option when used from the command-line. By default this will only show files that have at least one covered line. This can only be changed via the showUncoveredFiles xml configuration option. See The <logging> Element. By default all files and their coverage status are shown in the detailed report. This can be changed via the showOnlySummary xml configuration option.