

Welcome to Phalcon framework. Our mission is to give you an advanced tool for developing the faster web sites and applications with PHP.


Phalcon是开源、全功能栈、使用zephir语言编写、针对高性能优化的框架。 开发者不需要学习和使用 C 语言的功能, 因为所有的功能都以 PHP 类的方式暴露出来,可以直接使用。 Phalcon也是松耦合的,可以根据项目的需要任意拆分使用。

Phalcon is an open source, full stack framework for PHP written as a C-extension, optimized for high performance. You don’t need to learn or use the C language, since the functionality is exposed as PHP classes ready for you to use. Phalcon also is loosely coupled, allowing you to use its objects as glue components based on the needs of your application.

Phalcon不只是为了卓越的性能, 它的目标是更加健壮,拥有更加丰富的功能以及更加简单易于使用!

Phalcon is not only about performance, our goal is to make it robust, rich in features and easy to use!


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