Class Phalcon\Db\Profiler\Item
This class identifies each profile in a Phalcon\Db\Profiler
public setSqlStatement (unknown $sqlStatement)
SQL statement related to the profile
public getSqlStatement ()
SQL statement related to the profile
public setSqlVariables (unknown $sqlVariables)
SQL variables related to the profile
public getSqlVariables ()
SQL variables related to the profile
public setSqlBindTypes (unknown $sqlBindTypes)
SQL bind types related to the profile
public getSqlBindTypes ()
SQL bind types related to the profile
public setInitialTime (unknown $initialTime)
Timestamp when the profile started
public getInitialTime ()
Timestamp when the profile started
public setFinalTime (unknown $finalTime)
Timestamp when the profile ended
public getFinalTime ()
Timestamp when the profile ended
public double getTotalElapsedSeconds ()
Returns the total time in seconds spent by the profile