Class Phalcon\Config

implements ArrayAccess, Countable

Phalcon\Config is designed to simplify the access to, and the use of, configuration data within applications. It provides a nested object property based user interface for accessing this configuration data within application code.

  1. <?php
  2. $config = new \Phalcon\Config(array(
  3. "database" => array(
  4. "adapter" => "Mysql",
  5. "host" => "localhost",
  6. "username" => "scott",
  7. "password" => "cheetah",
  8. "dbname" => "test_db"
  9. ),
  10. "phalcon" => array(
  11. "controllersDir" => "../app/controllers/",
  12. "modelsDir" => "../app/models/",
  13. "viewsDir" => "../app/views/"
  14. )
  15. ));


public __construct ([unknown $arrayConfig])

Phalcon\Config constructor

public offsetExists (unknown $index)

Allows to check whether an attribute is defined using the array-syntax

  1. <?php
  2. var_dump(isset($config['database']));

public get (unknown $index, [unknown $defaultValue])

Gets an attribute from the configuration, if the attribute isn’t defined returns null If the value is exactly null or is not defined the default value will be used instead

  1. <?php
  2. echo $config->get('controllersDir', '../app/controllers/');

public offsetGet (unknown $index)

Gets an attribute using the array-syntax

  1. <?php
  2. print_r($config['database']);

public offsetSet (unknown $index, unknown $value)

Sets an attribute using the array-syntax

  1. <?php
  2. $config['database'] = array('type' => 'Sqlite');

public offsetUnset (unknown $index)

Unsets an attribute using the array-syntax

  1. <?php
  2. unset($config['database']);

public this merged config merge (unknown $config)

Merges a configuration into the current one

  1. <?php
  2. $appConfig = new \Phalcon\Config(array('database' => array('host' => 'localhost')));
  3. $globalConfig->merge($config2);

public toArray ()

Converts recursively the object to an array

  1. <?php
  2. print_r($config->toArray());

public count ()

Returns the count of properties set in the config

  1. <?php
  2. print count($config);


  1. <?php
  2. print $config->count();

public static __set_state (unknown $data)

Restores the state of a Phalcon\Config object

private Config merged config _merge (unknown $config, [unknown $instance])

Helper method for merge configs (forwarding nested config instance)