Ozone ACLs

Ozone supports a set of native ACLs. These ACLs can be used independently of ozone ACL plugin such as Ranger. Add the following properties to the ozone-site.xml to enable native ACLs.


Ozone ACLs are a super set of Posix and S3 ACLs.

The general format of an ACL is object:who:rights:scope.

Where an object can be:

  1. Volume - An Ozone volume. e.g. /volume
  2. Bucket - An Ozone bucket. e.g. /volume/bucket
  3. Key - An object key or an object. e.g. /volume/bucket/key
  4. Prefix - A path prefix for a specific key. e.g. /volume/bucket/prefix1/prefix2

Where a who can be:

  1. User - A user in the Kerberos domain. User like in Posix world can be named or unnamed.
  2. Group - A group in the Kerberos domain. Group also like in Posix world can be named or unnamed.
  3. World - All authenticated users in the Kerberos domain. This maps to others in the Posix domain.
  4. Anonymous - Ignore the user field completely. This is an extension to the Posix semantics, This is needed for S3 protocol, where we express that we have no way of knowing who the user is or we don’t care.

A S3 user accessing Ozone via AWS v4 signature protocol will be translated to the appropriate Kerberos user by Ozone Manager.

Where a right can be:

  1. Create – This ACL provides a user the ability to create buckets in a volume and keys in a bucket. Please note: Under Ozone, Only admins can create volumes.
  2. List – This ACL allows listing of buckets and keys. This ACL is attached to the volume and buckets which allow listing of the child objects. Please note: The user and admins can list the volumes owned by the user.
  3. Delete – Allows the user to delete a volume, bucket or key.
  4. Read – Allows the user to read the metadata of a Volume and Bucket and data stream and metadata of a key.
  5. Write - Allows the user to write the metadata of a Volume and Bucket and allows the user to overwrite an existing ozone key.
  6. Read_ACL – Allows a user to read the ACL on a specific object.
  7. Write_ACL – Allows a user to write the ACL on a specific object.

Where an scope can be:

  1. ACCESS – Access ACL is applied only to the specific object and not inheritable. It controls the access to the object itself.
  2. DEFAULT - Default ACL is applied to the specific object and will be inherited by object’s descendants. Default ACLs cannot be set on keys (as there can be no objects under a key).
    Note: ACLs inherited from parent’s Default ACLs will follow the following rules based on different bucket layout:
    • Legacy with EnableFileSystem or FSO: inherit the immediate parent’s DEFAULT ACLs. If none, inherit the bucket DEFAULT ACLs.
    • Legacy with DisableFileSystem or OBS: inherit the bucket DEFAULT ACLs.

Ozone Native ACL APIs

The ACLs can be manipulated by a set of APIs supported by Ozone. The APIs supported are:

  1. SetAcl – This API will take user principal, the name, type of the ozone object and a list of ACLs.
  2. GetAcl – This API will take the name and type of the ozone object and will return a list of ACLs.
  3. AddAcl - This API will take the name, type of the ozone object, the ACL, and add it to existing ACL entries of the ozone object.
  4. RemoveAcl - This API will take the name, type of the ozone object and the ACL that has to be removed.

ACL Manipulation Using Ozone CLI

The ACLs can also be manipulated by using the ozone sh commands.
Usage: ozone sh <object> <action> [-a=<value>[,<value>...]] <object-uri>
-a is for the comma separated list of ACLs. It is required for all subcommands except getacl.
<value> is of the form type:name:rights[scope].
type can be user, group, world or anonymous.
name is the name of the user/group. For world and anonymous type, name should either be left empty or be WORLD or ANONYMOUS respectively.
rights can be (read=r, write=w, delete=d, list=l, all=a, none=n, create=c, read_acl=x, write_acl=y)
scope can be ACCESS or DEFAULT. If not specified, default is ACCESS.

When the object is a prefix, the path-to-object must contain the full path from volume till the directory or prefix of the key. i.e.,
Note: the tail “/“ is required.

Following are the supported ACL actions.


  1. $ ozone sh bucket setacl -a user:testuser2:a /vol1/bucket1
  2. ACLs set successfully.
  3. $ ozone sh bucket setacl -a user:om:a,group:om:a /vol1/bucket2
  4. ACLs set successfully.
  5. $ ozone sh bucket setacl -a=anonymous::lr /vol1/bucket3
  6. ACLs set successfully.
  7. $ ozone sh bucket setacl -a world::a /vol1/bucket4
  8. ACLs set successfully.


  1. $ ozone sh bucket getacl /vol1/bucket2
  2. [ {
  3. "type" : "USER",
  4. "name" : "om/om@EXAMPLE.COM",
  5. "aclScope" : "ACCESS",
  6. "aclList" : [ "ALL" ]
  7. }, {
  8. "type" : "GROUP",
  9. "name" : "om",
  10. "aclScope" : "ACCESS",
  11. "aclList" : [ "ALL" ]
  12. } ]


  1. $ ozone sh bucket addacl -a user:testuser2:a /vol1/bucket2
  2. ACL user:testuser2:a[ACCESS] added successfully.
  3. $ ozone sh bucket addacl -a user:testuser:rxy[DEFAULT] /vol1/bucket2
  4. ACL user:testuser:rxy[DEFAULT] added successfully.
  5. $ ozone sh prefix addacl -a user:testuser2:a[DEFAULT] /vol1/buck3/dir1/
  6. ACL user:testuser2:a[DEFAULT] added successfully.


  1. $ ozone sh bucket removeacl -a user:testuser:r[DEFAULT] /vol1/bucket2
  2. ACL user:testuser:r[DEFAULT] removed successfully.