Peer forwarder

Peer forwarder is an HTTP service that performs peer forwarding of an event between Data Prepper nodes for aggregation. This HTTP service uses a hash-ring approach to aggregate events and determine which Data Prepper node it should handle on a given trace before rerouting it to that node. Currently, peer forwarder is supported by the aggregate, service_map_stateful, and otel_trace_raw processors.

Peer forwarder groups events based on the identification keys provided by the supported processors. For service_map_stateful and otel_trace_raw, the identification key is traceId by default and cannot be configured. The aggregate processor is configured using the identification_keys configuration option. From here, you can specify which keys to use for peer forwarder. See Aggregate Processor page for more information about identification keys.

Peer discovery allows Data Prepper to find other nodes that it will communicate with. Currently, peer discovery is provided by a static list, a DNS record lookup, or AWS Cloud Map.

Discovery modes

The following sections provide information about discovery modes.


Static discovery mode allows a Data Prepper node to discover nodes using a list of IP addresses or domain names. See the following YAML file for an example of static discovery mode:

  1. peer_forwarder:4
  2. discovery_mode: static
  3. static_endpoints: ["data-prepper1", "data-prepper2"]

DNS lookup

DNS discovery is preferred over static discovery when scaling out a Data Prepper cluster. DNS discovery configures a DNS provider to return a list of Data Prepper hosts when given a single domain name. This list consists of a DNS A record, and a list of IP addresses of a given domain. See the following YAML file for an example of DNS lookup:

  1. peer_forwarder:
  2. discovery_mode: dns
  3. domain_name: ""

AWS Cloud Map

AWS Cloud Map provides API-based service discovery as well as DNS-based service discovery.

Peer forwarder can use the API-based service discovery in AWS Cloud Map. To support this, you must have an existing namespace configured for API instance discovery. You can create a new one by following the instructions provided by the AWS Cloud Map documentation.

Your Data Prepper configuration needs to include the following:

  • aws_cloud_map_namespace_name – Set to your AWS Cloud Map namespace name.
  • aws_cloud_map_service_name – Set to the service name within your specified namespace.
  • aws_region – Set to the AWS Region in which your namespace exists.
  • discovery_mode – Set to aws_cloud_map.

Your Data Prepper configuration can optionally include the following:

  • aws_cloud_map_query_parameters – Key-value pairs are used to filter the results based on the custom attributes attached to an instance. Results include only those instances that match all of the specified key-value pairs.

Example configuration

See the following YAML file example of AWS Cloud Map configuration:

  1. peer_forwarder:
  2. discovery_mode: aws_cloud_map
  3. aws_cloud_map_namespace_name: "my-namespace"
  4. aws_cloud_map_service_name: "data-prepper-cluster"
  5. aws_cloud_map_query_parameters:
  6. instance_type: "r5.xlarge"
  7. aws_region: "us-east-1"

IAM policy with necessary permissions

Data Prepper must also be running with the necessary permissions. The following AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy shows the necessary permissions:

  1. {
  2. "Version": "2012-10-17",
  3. "Statement": [
  4. {
  5. "Sid": "CloudMapPeerForwarder",
  6. "Effect": "Allow",
  7. "Action": "servicediscovery:DiscoverInstances",
  8. "Resource": "*"
  9. }
  10. ]
  11. }


The following table provides optional configuration values.

portIntegerA value between 0 and 65535 that represents the port that the peer forwarder server is running on. Default value is 4994.
request_timeoutIntegerRepresents the request timeout duration in milliseconds for the peer forwarder HTTP server. Default value is 10000.
server_thread_countIntegerRepresents the number of threads used by the peer forwarder server. Default value is 200.
client_thread_countIntegerRepresents the number of threads used by the peer forwarder client. Default value is 200.
maxConnectionCountIntegerRepresents the maximum number of open connections for the peer forwarder server. Default value is 500.
discovery_modeStringRepresents the peer discovery mode to be used. Allowable values are local_node, static, dns, and aws_cloud_map. Defaults to local_node, which processes events locally.
static_endpointsListContains the endpoints of all Data Prepper instances. Required if discovery_mode is set to static.
domain_nameStringRepresents the single domain name to query DNS against. Typically used by creating multiple DNS A records for the same domain. Required if discovery_mode is set to dns.
aws_cloud_map_namespace_nameStringRepresents the AWS Cloud Map namespace when using AWS Cloud Map service discovery. Required if discovery_mode is set to aws_cloud_map.
aws_cloud_map_service_nameStringRepresents the AWS Cloud Map service when using AWS Cloud Map service discovery. Required if discovery_mode is set to aws_cloud_map.
aws_cloud_map_query_parametersMapKey-value pairs used to filter the results based on the custom attributes attached to an instance. Only instances that match all the specified key-value pairs are returned.
buffer_sizeIntegerRepresents the maximum number of unchecked records the buffer accepts (the number of unchecked records equals the number of records written into the buffer plus the number of records that are still processing and not yet checked by the Checkpointing API). Default is 512.
batch_sizeIntegerRepresents the maximum number of records that the buffer returns on read. Default is 48.
aws_regionStringRepresents the AWS Region that uses ACM, Amazon S3, or AWS Cloud Map and is required when any of the following conditions are met:
- The use_acm_certificate_for_ssl setting is set to true.
- Either ssl_certificate_file or ssl_key_file specifies an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) URI (for example, s3://mybucket/path/to/public.cert).
- The discovery_mode is set to aws_cloud_map.
drain_timeoutDurationRepresents the amount of time that peer forwarder will wait to complete data processing before shutdown.

SSL configuration

The following table provides optional SSL configuration values that allow you to set up a trust manager for the peer forwarder client in order to connect to other Data Prepper instances.

sslBooleanEnables TLS/SSL. Default value is true.
ssl_certificate_fileStringRepresents the SSL certificate chain file path or Amazon S3 path. The following is an example of an Amazon S3 path: s3://<bucketName>/<path>. Defaults to the default certificate file,config/default_certificate.pem. See Default Certificates for more information about how the certificate is generated.
ssl_key_fileStringRepresents the SSL key file path or Amazon S3 path. Amazon S3 path example: s3://<bucketName>/<path>. Defaults to config/default_private_key.pem which is the default private key file. See Default Certificates for more information about how the private key file is generated.
ssl_insecure_disable_verificationBooleanDisables the verification of the server’s TLS certificate chain. Default value is false.
ssl_fingerprint_verification_onlyBooleanDisables the verification of the server’s TLS certificate chain and instead verifies only the certificate fingerprint. Default value is false.
use_acm_certificate_for_sslBooleanEnables TLS/SSL using the certificate and private key from AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). Default value is false.
acm_certificate_arnStringRepresents the ACM certificate Amazon Resource Name (ARN). The ACM certificate takes precedence over Amazon S3 or the local file system certificate. Required if use_acm_certificate_for_ssl is set to true.
acm_private_key_passwordStringRepresents the ACM private key password that will be used to decrypt the private key. If it’s not provided, a random password will be generated.
acm_certificate_timeout_millisIntegerRepresents the timeout in milliseconds required for ACM to get certificates. Default value is 120000.
aws_regionStringRepresents the AWS Region that uses ACM, Amazon S3, or AWS Cloud Map. Required if use_acm_certificate_for_ssl is set to true or ssl_certificate_file. Also required when the ssl_key_file is set to use the Amazon S3 path or if discovery_mode is set to aws_cloud_map.

Example configuration

The following YAML file provides an example configuration:

  1. peer_forwarder:
  2. ssl: true
  3. ssl_certificate_file: "<cert-file-path>"
  4. ssl_key_file: "<private-key-file-path>"


Authentication is optional and is a Map that enables mutual TLS (mTLS). It can either be mutual_tls or unauthenticated. The default value is unauthenticated. The following YAML file provides an example of authentication:

  1. peer_forwarder:
  2. authentication:
  3. mutual_tls:


Core peer forwarder introduces the following custom metrics. All the metrics are prefixed by core.peerForwarder.


Peer forwarder’s timer capability provides the following information:

  • requestForwardingLatency: Measures latency of requests forwarded by the peer forwarder client.
  • requestProcessingLatency: Measures latency of requests processed by the peer forwarder server.


The following table provides counter metric options.

requestsMeasures the total number of forwarded requests.
requestsFailedMeasures the total number of failed requests. Applies to requests with an HTTP response code other than 200.
requestsSuccessfulMeasures the total number of successful requests. Applies to requests with HTTP response code 200.
requestsTooLargeMeasures the total number of requests that are too large to be written to the peer forwarder buffer. Applies to requests with HTTP response code 413.
requestTimeoutsMeasures the total number of requests that time out while writing content to the peer forwarder buffer. Applies to requests with HTTP response code 408.
requestsUnprocessableMeasures the total number of requests that fail due to an unprocessable entity. Applies to requests with HTTP response code 422.
badRequestsMeasures the total number of requests with a bad request format. Applies to requests with HTTP response code 400.
recordsSuccessfullyForwardedMeasures the total number of successfully forwarded records.
recordsFailedForwardingMeasures the total number of records that fail to be forwarded.
recordsToBeForwardedMeasures the total number of records to be forwarded.
recordsToBeProcessedLocallyMeasures the total number of records to be processed locally.
recordsActuallyProcessedLocallyMeasures the total number of records actually processed locally. This value is the sum of recordsToBeProcessedLocally and recordsFailedForwarding.
recordsReceivedFromPeersMeasures the total number of records received from remote peers.


peerEndpoints Measures the number of dynamically discovered peer Data Prepper endpoints. For static mode, the size is fixed.

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