Advanced settings

Use the Advanced settings page to modify settings that govern OpenSearch Dashboards behavior. These settings can be used to customize the look and feel of the application, change the behavior of certain features, and more. A view of the interface is shown in the following image.

Advanced settings interface in OpenSearch 2.14

To access Advanced settings, go to Dashboards Management and select Advanced settings. The page is divided into the following sections: General, Appearance, Discover, Notifications, Search, Timeline, and Visualization. Each section contains a set of its respective settings. You can modify these settings by editing their fields. Once you’ve made the changes, select Save to apply them.

alert icon Note
Certain settings require you to modify the opensearch_dashboards.yml file and restart OpenSearch Dashboards.

Required permissions

To modify settings, you must have permission to make changes. See Multi-tenancy configuration for guidance about assigning role access to tenants.

Advanced settings descriptions

The following tables describe the core advanced settings.

General settings

The following table describes the General settings.

csv:quoteValuesDefines whether to enclose values containing special characters or multiline values within double quotation marks . Default is On.
csv:separatorDefines whether to use a specific character or string to delimit exported values. Default is ,.
dateFormatDefines the format for displaying dates. Default is MMM D, YYYY @ HH:mm:ss.SSS.
dateFormat:dowDefines the day on which to start the week. Default is Sunday.
dateFormat:scaledDefines the format for timestamps. The timestamp format changes depending on the amount of time between measurements (hour, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds). The keys are time periods in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD.
dateFormat:tzDefines the time zone for OpenSearch Dashboards. Default is the time zone detected by your browser.
dateNanosFormatDefines the format for representing dates with nanoseconds. Default is MMM D, YYYY @ HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSSSS.
defaultIndexDefines the default index for all indexes in an OpenSearch cluster. If no indexes are added, defaultIndex is set to null. However, if one or more indexes are added, defaultIndex is assigned the value of the first index in the list. Default is null.
defaultRouteDefines the gateway point. Use this setting to change the landing page for OpenSearch Dashboards. The setting must be a relative URL. Default is /app/home.
fields:popularLimitDefines the number of N fields to be displayed. Default is 10.
filterEditor:suggestValuesDefines whether the filter editor suggests field values. Default is Off.
filters:pinnedByDefaultDefines whether filters are automatically pinned. To keep a filter visible across all applications, you can select the filter and then the Pin across all apps option. Default is Off.
format:bytes:defaultPatternDefines the default numeral format for the bytes format. Default is 0,0.[0]b.
format:currency:defaultPatternDefines the default numeral format for the currency format. Default is ($0,0.[00]).
format:defaultTypeMapDefines the default format name for each field type using a mapping. If the field type isn’t specified, then default is used.
format:number:defaultLocaleDefines the language locale for numerals. Default is en.
format:number:defaultPatternDefines the default numeral format for the number format. Default is 0,0.[000].
format:percent:defaultPatternDefines the default numeral format for the percent format. Default is 0,0.[000]%.
histogram:barTargetDefines a specified number of bars for date histograms that use the auto interval. Default is 50.
histogram:maxBarsDefines the maximum number of bars to show in date histograms. Default is 100.
history:limitDefines how many of the most recent values to store in the history. Default is 10.
indexPattern:placeholderDefines the placeholder value to use when creating index patterns.
metaFieldsEnables fields that are not part of the _source field to be merged into the document. Default is _source, _id, _type, _index, and _score.
metrics:max_bucketsDefines the maximum number of buckets that a single data source can return. Default is 2000.
query:allowLeadingWildcardsDefines whether * is allowed as the first character in a query clause. Default is On.
query:queryString:optionsDefines the options for the Lucene query string parser. Default is { “analyze_wildcard”: true }.
reporting:useFOREnables or disables ForeignObject rendering for embedding of external content into reports. The reporting:useFOR and reporting:useOcr options are visible only after installing the reporting plugin. Default is On.
reporting:useOcrEnables or disables optical character recognition (OCR) on PDF reports. The reporting:useFOR and reporting:useOcr options are visible only after installing the reporting plugin. Default is Off.
savedObjects:listingLimitDefines the number of objects to fetch when viewing a listing page. Default is 1000.
savedObjects:perPageDefines the number of objects to display on each page of the load dialog. Default is 20.
search:queryLanguageDefines the query language for OpenSearch Dashboards. Default is DQL.
shortDots:enableEnables or disables the shortening of long fields. Default is Off.
sort:optionsDefines the options for the sort parameter. Default is boolean.
state:storeInSessionStorageEnables or disables URL session storage. Default is Off.
timepicker:quickRangesDefines the quick-select time ranges to display in the time filter.
timepicker:refreshIntervalDefaultsDefines the time filter’s default refresh interval, in milliseconds. Default is 0.
timepicker:timeDefaultsDefines the default time period for data analysis. Default is Last 15 minutes.
truncate:maxHeightDefines the maximum height of a table cell. Default is 115 pixels.

Appearance settings

The following table describes the Appearance settings.

accessibility:disableAnimationsEnables or disables animations. Default is Off.
pageNavigationDefines the navigation pane style. Default is Modern.
theme:darkModeEnables or disables dark mode. Default is Off. Dark mode is available only in OpenSearch Dashboards versions 2.10 and later.
theme:versionDefines the theme to use for the current and subsequent versions of OpenSearch Dashboards. Default is v7.

Discover settings

The following table describes the Discover settings.

context:defaultSizeDefines the number of surrounding entries to show in the context view. Default is 5.
context:stepDefines the number by which to increment or decrement the context size. Default is 5.
context:tieBreakerFieldsDefines the fields that are used to break a tie between documents that have the same timestamp value. The first field that is present and sortable in the current index pattern is used. Default is _doc.
defaultColumnsDefines the columns that appear by default on the Discover page. Default is _source.
discover:aggs:terms:sizeDefines the number of terms that are visualized when selecting the Visualize button in the field dropdown. Default is 20.
discover:modifyColumnsOnSwitchDefines whether unavailable columns are removed from a new index pattern. Default is On.
discover:sampleSizeDefines the number of rows to show in a table. Default is 20.
discover:searchOnPageLoadDefines whether a search is run when Discover first loads. The setting does not affect the loading of saved searches. Default is On.
discover:sort:defaultOrderDefines how to sort time-based index patterns. Default is Descending.
doc_table:hideTimeColumnDefines whether to hide the Time column in the Discover application and in all saved dashboard searches. Default is Off.
doc_table:highlightDefines whether to highlight results in the Discover application and saved searches on dashboards. Highlighting can make it easier to find and identify results, but it can also slow down requests when working with big documents.

Notifications settings

The following table describes the Notifications settings.

notifications:bannerDefines the custom banner for temporary user notifications. Supports Markdown.
notifications:lifetime:bannerDefines the display duration for banner notifications. Default is 3000000 milliseconds. Set field to Infinity to disable notifications.
notifications:lifetime:errorDefines the display duration for error notifications. Default is 300000 milliseconds. Set field to Infinity to disable notifications.
notifications:lifetime:infoDefines the display duration for information notifications. Default is 5000 milliseconds. Set field to Infinity to disable notifications.
notifications:lifetime:warningDefines the display duration for warning notifications. Default is 10000 milliseconds. Set field to Infinity to disable notifications.

Search settings

The following table describes the Search settings.

courier:batchSearchesEnables or disables how dashboard panels load. When disabled, panels load individually, and search requests end when the user navigates away or updates the query. When enabled, all panels load together when all data is loaded, and searches do not end. Default is Off.
courier:customRequestPreferenceSpecifies whether to use the request preference with the custom setting. Default is _local.
courier:ignoreFilterIfFieldNotInIndexEnables or disables support for dashboards that contain visualizations using different indexes. When disabled, all filters are applied to all visualizations. When enabled, visualization filters are ignored if the visualization’s index does not contain the field being filtered. Default is Off.
courier:maxConcurrentShardRequestsDefines the maximum number of concurrent shard requests that OpenSearch Dashboards can initiate for _msearch requests. Set to 0 to disable the setting and to use the default value set by OpenSearch. Default is 0.
courier:setRequestPreferenceDefines which shards handle your search requests. Options include Session ID, Custom, and None. Session ID restricts operations so that all search requests run on the same shard and reuses shard caches across requests, which can improve performance. Custom is used to define your own preference. Use courier:customRequestPreference to customize your preference value. None means that no preference is set. This option can provide better performance because requests can be spread across all shard copies. However, results might be inconsistent because different shards might be in different refresh states. Default is Session ID.
search:includeFrozenSpecifies whether to include frozen indexes in search results. If enabled, frozen indexes are included in search results. Searching through frozen indexes can increase the search time. Default is Off.

Timeline settings

The following table describes the Timeline settings.

timeline:es.default_indexDefines the default OpenSearch index to be searched with the .opensearch() function. If not set, then the .opensearch() function will search all indexes. Default is _all.
timeline:es.timefieldDefines the default timestamp field when using the .opensearch() function. If not set, then the .opensearch() function is used in the @timestmap field. Default is @timestmap.
timeline:graphite.url(Experimental) Defines the graphite host URL.
timeline:max_bucketsDefines the maximum number of buckets that a single data source can return. Default is 2000.
timeline:min_intervalDefines the minimum interval to calculate when using the auto interval. Default is 1ms.
timeline:quandl.key(Experimental) Defines your unique identifier (API key) that allows you to access Quandl’s data.
timeline:target_bucketsDefines the number of buckets that OpenSearch Dashboards attempts to use when calculating automatic intervals in visualizations. Default is 200.

Visualization settings

The following table describes the Visualization settings.

visualization:colorMappingAssigns colors to values within visualizations. Default is #00A69B.
visualization:dimmingOpacityDefines the opacity of chart items that are dimmed when another chart element is highlighted. The lower the value, the more the highlighted element will stand out. The value must be between 0 and 1. Default is 0.5.
visualization:enablePluginAugmentationEnables or disables access to plugin functionality through line chart visualizations. Default is On.
line chart visualizations<code> | Defines the maximum number of associated augmentations per visualization. Default is </code>10. Associating more than 10 plugin resources per visualization can cause performance issues. 
visualization:heatmap:maxBucketsDefines the maximum number of buckets that a single data source can return in a heat map visualization. A higher number of buckets can negatively impact browser rendering performance. Default is 50.
visualization:regionmap:customVectorMapMaxSizeDefines the maximum number of features that can be loaded from a custom vector map. Default is 1000.
visualization:regionmap:showWarningsSpecifies whether a warning is shown when terms cannot be joined to a shape on a region map. Default is On.
visualization:tileMap:WMSdefaultsDefines the default properties for the Web Map Service (WMS) map server in coordinate maps. Default is enabled: false.
visualization:tileMap:maxPrecisionDefines the maximum geohash precision that can be displayed on maps, with 7 being high, 10 being very high, and 12 being the maximum. Default is 7.
visualize:disableBucketAggDeactivates specific bucket aggregations in visualizations. The setting takes a comma-separated list of bucket aggregation names, such as significant_terms and terms.
visualize:enableLabsEnables or disables experimental visualizations. When enabled, you can create, view, and edit experimental visualizations. When disabled, you can only use production-ready visualizations. Default is On.