Security APIs

Security APIs provide information that can be very useful in troubleshooting connection and configuration issues.

/_plugins/_security/whoamiGET/POSTReturns basic details about the logged-in user.
/_opendistro/_security/sslinfoGETReturns details about the SSL connection when using certificate authentication.
/_plugins/_security/api/permissionsinfoGETReturns permission details for the logged-in user.
/_plugins/_security/authinfoGET/POSTReturns the backend roles and OpenSearch roles mapped to the logged-in user.
/_plugins/_security/api/ssl/certsGETDisplays the details and expiration dates of the certificates used on the OpenSearch HTTP and transport communication layers. Can only be called by users with the superadmin certificate.
/_plugins/_security/api/ssl/transport/reloadcertsPUTReloads the certificates on the transport layer. For more information, see Reload TLS certificates on the transport layer.
/_plugins/_security/api/ssl/http/reloadcertsPUTReloads the certificates on the http layer. For more information, see Reload TLS certificates on the http layer.