
Event source specifications of Redis.


Belong to EventSourceSpec.


The EventSource generates Dapr Bindings Components for adapting Redis event sources according to the RedisSpec, and in principle we try to maintain the consistency of the relevant parameters. For more information, see Redis binding spec.

redisHost stringAddress of the Redis server, e.g. localhost:6379.
redisPassword stringPassword for the Redis server, e.g. 123456.
enableTLS bool(Optional) Whether to enable TLS access, which defaults to false. Value options: true, false.
failover bool(Optional) Whether to enable the failover feature. Requires the sentinalMasterName to be set. It defaults to false. Value options: true, false.
sentinelMasterName string(Optional) The name of the sentinel master. Refer to Redis Sentinel Documentation.
redeliverInterval string(Optional) The interval for redeliver. It defaults to 60s. 0 means the redeliver mechanism is disabled. E.g. 30s
processingTimeout string(Optional) Message processing timeout. It defaults to 15s. 0 means timeout is disabled. E.g. 30s
redisType string(Optional) The type of Redis. Value options: node for single-node mode, cluster for cluster mode. It defaults to node.
redisDB int64(Optional) The database index to connect to Redis. Effective only if redisType is node. It defaults to 0.
redisMaxRetries int64(Optional) Maximum number of retries. It defaults to no retries. E.g. 5
redisMinRetryInterval string(Optional) Minimum backoff time for retries. The default value is 8ms. -1 indicates that the backoff time is disabled. E.g. 10ms
redisMaxRetryInterval string(Optional) Maximum backoff time for retries. The default value is 512ms. -1 indicates that the backoff time is disabled. E.g. 5s
dialTimeout string(Optional) Timeout to establish a new connection. It defaults to 5s.
readTimeout string(Optional) Read timeout. A timeout causes Redis commands to fail rather than wait in a blocking fashion. It defaults to 3s. -1 means disabled.
writeTimeout string(Optional) Write timeout. A timeout causes Redis commands to fail rather than wait in a blocking fashion. It defaults to consistent with readTimeout.
poolSize int64(Optional) Maximum number of connections. It defaults to 10 connections per runtime.NumCPU. E.g. 20
poolTimeout string(Optional) The timeout for the connection pool. The default is readTimeout + 1 second. E.g. 50s
maxConnAge string(Optional) Connection aging time. The default is not to close the aging connection. E.g. 30m
minIdleConns int64(Optional) The minimum number of idle connections to maintain to avoid performance degradation from creating new connections. It defaults to 0. E.g. 2
idleCheckFrequency string(Optional) Frequency of idle connection recycler checks. Default is 1m. -1 means the idle connection recycler is disabled. E.g. -1
idleTimeout string(Optional) Timeout to close idle client connections, which should be less than the server’s timeout. It defaults to 5m. -1 means disable idle timeout check. E.g. 10m