ONLYOFFICE Docs Angular component

This component enables users to build ONLYOFFICE Docs user interface using Angular.

Installing ONLYOFFICE Docs Angular component

Install ONLYOFFICE Docs Angular component from npm in your project. Run:

  1. npm install --save @onlyoffice/document-editor-angular


  1. yarn add @onlyoffice/document-editor-angular

Using ONLYOFFICE Docs Angular component

Follow the steps below to start using the component:

  1. Import the DocumentEditorModule:

    1. import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
    2. import { DocumentEditorModule } from "@onlyoffice/document-editor-angular";
    3. @NgModule({
    4. declarations: [
    5. AppComponent
    6. ],
    7. imports: [
    8. DocumentEditorAngularModule
    9. ],
    10. bootstrap: [AppComponent]
    11. })
    12. export class AppModule { }
  2. Define options in your consuming component:

    1. @Component({...})
    2. export class ExampleComponent {
    3. config: IConfig = {
    4. document: {
    5. "fileType": "docx",
    6. "key": "Khirz6zTPdfd7",
    7. "title": "Example Document Title.docx",
    8. "url": ""
    9. },
    10. documentType: "word",
    11. editorConfig: {
    12. "callbackUrl": ""
    13. },
    14. }
    15. onDocumentReady = (event) => {
    16. console.log("Document is loaded");
    17. };
    18. }

    where the is the name of the server where document manager and document storage service are installed.

  3. In template, use the document-editor component with your options:

    1. <document-editor
    2. id="docxForComments"
    3. documentServerUrl="http://documentserver/"
    4. [config]="config"
    5. [events_onDocumentReady]="onDocumentReady"
    6. ></document-editor>

    where the documentserver is the name of the server with ONLYOFFICE Docs installed.

ONLYOFFICE Docs Angular component API


idstringnullComponent unique identifier.
documentServerUrlstringnullAddress of ONLYOFFICE Document Server.
config*objectnullGeneric configuration object for opening a file with token.
document_fileTypestringnullThe type of the file.
document_titlestringnullThe file name.
documentTypestringnullThe document type.
heightstringnullDefines the document height in the browser window.
typestringnullDefines the platform type used to access the document (desktop, mobile or embedded).
widthstringnullDefines the document width in the browser window.
events_onAppReady(event: object) => voidnullThe function called when the application is loaded into the browser.
events_onDocumentStateChange(event: object) => voidnullThe function called when the document is modified.
events_onMetaChange(event: object) => voidnullThe function called when the meta information of the document is changed via the meta command.
events_onDocumentReady(event: object) => voidnullThe function called when the document is loaded into the document editor.
events_onInfo(event: object) => voidnullThe function called when the application opened the file.
events_onWarning(event: object) => voidnullThe function called when a warning occurs.
events_onError(event: object) => voidnullThe function called when an error or some other specific event occurs.
events_onRequestSharingSettings(event: object) => voidnullThe function called when the user is trying to manage document access rights by clicking Change access rights button.
events_onRequestRename(event: object) => voidnullThe function called when the user is trying to rename the file by clicking the Rename… button.
events_onMakeActionLink(event: object) => voidnullThe function called when the user is trying to get link for opening the document which contains a bookmark, scrolling to the bookmark position.
events_onRequestInsertImage(event: object) => voidnullThe function called when the user is trying to insert an image by clicking the Image from Storage button.
events_onRequestSaveAs(event: object) => voidnullThe function called when the user is trying to save file by clicking Save Copy as… button.
events_onRequestMailMergeRecipients(event: object) => voidnullThe function called when the user is trying to select recipients data by clicking the Mail merge button.
events_onRequestCompareFile(event: object) => voidnullThe function called when the user is trying to select document for comparing by clicking the Document from Storage button.
events_onRequestEditRights(event: object) => voidnullThe function called when the user is trying to switch the document from the viewing into the editing mode by clicking the Edit Document button.
events_onRequestHistory(event: object) => voidnullThe function called when the user is trying to show the document version history by clicking the Version History button.
events_onRequestHistoryClose(event: object) => voidnullThe function called when the user is trying to go back to the document from viewing the document version history by clicking the Close History button.
events_onRequestHistoryData(event: object) => voidnullThe function called when the user is trying to click the specific document version in the document version history.
events_onRequestRestore(event: object) => voidnullThe function called when the user is trying to restore the file version by clicking the Restore button in the version history.

* - required field

Developing ONLYOFFICE Docs Angular component

  1. Clone project from the GitHub repository:

    1. git clone
  2. Install the project dependencies:

    1. npm install
  3. Build the project:

    1. cd ./projects
    2. ng build @onlyoffice/document-editor-angular
  4. Create the package:

    1. cd ./dist/onlyoffice/document-editor-angular
    2. npm pack
  5. Test the component:

    1. cd ./projects
    2. ng test @onlyoffice/document-editor-angular

Feedback and support

In case you have any issues, questions, or suggestions for the ONLYOFFICE Docs Angular component, please refer to the Issues section.