Monitoring live migration of a virtual machine instance

You can monitor the progress of a live migration of a virtual machine instance from either the web console or the CLI.

Monitoring live migration of a virtual machine instance in the web console

For the duration of the migration, the virtual machine has a status of Migrating. This status is displayed in the Virtual Machines tab or in the Virtual Machine Overview screen for the migrating virtual machine.


  1. In the OKD Virtualization console, click WorkloadsVirtualization from the side menu.

  2. Click the Virtual Machines tab.

  3. Select a virtual machine to open the Virtual Machine Overview screen.

Monitoring live migration of a virtual machine instance in the CLI

The status of the virtual machine migration is stored in the Status component of the VirtualMachineInstance configuration.


  • Use the oc describe command on the migrating virtual machine instance:

    1. $ oc describe vmi vmi-fedora

    Example output

    1. ...
    2. Status:
    3. Conditions:
    4. Last Probe Time: <nil>
    5. Last Transition Time: <nil>
    6. Status: True
    7. Type: LiveMigratable
    8. Migration Method: LiveMigration
    9. Migration State:
    10. Completed: true
    11. End Timestamp: 2018-12-24T06:19:42Z
    12. Migration UID: d78c8962-0743-11e9-a540-fa163e0c69f1
    13. Source Node:
    14. Start Timestamp: 2018-12-24T06:19:35Z
    15. Target Node:
    16. Target Node Address:
    17. Target Node Domain Detected: true