


  • 关键字(keyword)

使用SELECT索引数据,必须至少给出两条信息,想要什么? 从什么地方获取?


  1. SELECT prod_name FROM Products;

解释:使用SELECT 语句从 Products 表中检索一个名为prod_name 的列,FROM 关键字从指定的标名索引。


  1. mysql> SELECT prod_name FROM Products;
  2. +---------------------+
  3. | prod_name |
  4. +---------------------+
  5. | Fish bean bag toy |
  6. | Bird bean bag toy |
  7. | Rabbit bean bag toy |
  8. | 8 inch teddy bear |
  9. | 12 inch teddy bear |
  10. | 18 inch teddy bear |
  11. | Raggedy Ann |
  12. | King doll |
  13. | Queen doll |
  14. +---------------------+
  15. 9 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  • SQL语句分成多好容易阅读与调试,如果语句较长
  • SQL语句必须以(;)结束。
  • SQL语句不区分大小写,除了表名,跟值以外,SQL关键字使用大写,便于阅读


与索引单列对比,唯一的不同是必须,在SELECT 关键字后给出多个列名,列名直接用 隔开,最后一列不需要。

  1. SELECT prod_id, prod_name, prod_price FROM Products;

解释:使用SELECT 从表Products 中选择数据,指定3个列名,prod_id, prod_name, prod_price


  1. mysql> SELECT prod_id, prod_name, prod_price FROM Products;
  2. +---------+---------------------+------------+
  3. | prod_id | prod_name | prod_price |
  4. +---------+---------------------+------------+
  5. | BNBG01 | Fish bean bag toy | 3.49 |
  6. | BNBG02 | Bird bean bag toy | 3.49 |
  7. | BNBG03 | Rabbit bean bag toy | 3.49 |
  8. | BR01 | 8 inch teddy bear | 5.99 |
  9. | BR02 | 12 inch teddy bear | 8.99 |
  10. | BR03 | 18 inch teddy bear | 11.99 |
  11. | RGAN01 | Raggedy Ann | 4.99 |
  12. | RYL01 | King doll | 9.49 |
  13. | RYL02 | Queen doll | 9.49 |
  14. +---------+---------------------+------------+
  15. 9 rows in set (0.01 sec)


  1. SELECT * FROM Products;

使用通配符 * 表示返回表中所有的列

  1. mysql> SELECT * FROM Products;
  2. +---------+---------+---------------------+------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
  3. | prod_id | vend_id | prod_name | prod_price | prod_desc |
  4. +---------+---------+---------------------+------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
  5. | BNBG01 | DLL01 | Fish bean bag toy | 3.49 | Fish bean bag toy, complete with bean bag worms with which to feed it |
  6. | BNBG02 | DLL01 | Bird bean bag toy | 3.49 | Bird bean bag toy, eggs are not included |
  7. | BNBG03 | DLL01 | Rabbit bean bag toy | 3.49 | Rabbit bean bag toy, comes with bean bag carrots |
  8. | BR01 | BRS01 | 8 inch teddy bear | 5.99 | 8 inch teddy bear, comes with cap and jacket |
  9. | BR02 | BRS01 | 12 inch teddy bear | 8.99 | 12 inch teddy bear, comes with cap and jacket |
  10. | BR03 | BRS01 | 18 inch teddy bear | 11.99 | 18 inch teddy bear, comes with cap and jacket |
  11. | RGAN01 | DLL01 | Raggedy Ann | 4.99 | 18 inch Raggedy Ann doll |
  12. | RYL01 | FNG01 | King doll | 9.49 | 12 inch king doll with royal garments and crown |
  13. | RYL02 | FNG01 | Queen doll | 9.49 | 12 inch queen doll with royal garments and crown |
  14. +---------+---------+---------------------+------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
  15. 9 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  • 除非需要表中每一列,或者不明确指定列,否则不要使用* 通配符。

原文: https://cxiaodian.gitbooks.io/mysql/content/chapter3.html