
Each instance of MeiliSearch has three keys: a master, a private, and a public. Each key has a given set of permissions on the API routes.

You must have the master key to access the keys route.

More information about the keys and their rights.

Get keys


  1. /keys

Get the private and public key.


You must have the master key to access this route.


  1. curl \
  2. -H "X-Meili-API-Key: 123" \
  3. -X GET 'http://localhost:7700/keys'
  1. client.getKeys()
  1. client.get_keys()
  1. $client->getKeys();
  1. client.keys
  1. client.Keys().Get()
  1. let keys: Keys = client.get_keys().await.unwrap();

Response: 200 Ok

  1. {
  2. "private": "8c222193c4dff5a19689d637416820bc623375f2ad4c31a2e3a76e8f4c70440d",
  3. "public": "948413b6667024a0704c2023916c21eaf0a13485a586c43e4d2df520852a4fb8"
  4. }