Ranking rules

Child route of the settings route.

Ranking rules are built-in rules that ensure relevancy in search results. Ranking rules are applied in a default order which can be changed in the settings. You can add or remove rules and change their order of importance.

Ranking rules can also be updated directly through the global settings route along with the other settings.

Learn more about ranking rules and their relevancy.


Updating the settings means overwriting the default settings of MeiliSearch. You can reset to default values using the DELETE routes.

Get ranking rules


  1. /indexes/:index_uid/settings/ranking-rules

Get the ranking rules of an index.

Path Variables

index_uidThe index UID

Default value

An array that contains built-in ranking rules sorted by order of importance.


  1. curl \
  2. -X GET 'http://localhost:7700/indexes/movies/settings/ranking-rules'
  1. client.index('movies').getRankingRules()
  1. client.index('movies').get_ranking_rules()
  1. $client->index('movies')->getRankingRules();
  1. index.ranking_rules
  1. client.Settings("movies").GetRankingRules()
  1. let ranking_rules: Vec<String> = movies.get_ranking_rules().await.unwrap();

Response: 200 Ok

List the settings.

  1. [
  2. "typo",
  3. "words",
  4. "proximity",
  5. "attribute",
  6. "wordsPosition",
  7. "exactness",
  8. "desc(release_date)"
  9. ]

Update ranking rules


  1. /indexes/:index_uid/settings/ranking-rules

Update the ranking rules of an index.

Path Variables

index_uidThe index UID


An array that contain ranking rules sorted by order of importance.

To add your own ranking rule, you have to communicate either asc for ascending order or desc for descending order followed by the field name in brackets.

  • To apply an ascending sorting (results sorted by increasing value of the attribute): asc(attribute_name)

  • To apply a descending sorting (results sorted by decreasing value of the attribute): desc(attribute_name)

More information about the body.


  1. curl \
  2. -X POST 'http://localhost:7700/indexes/movies/settings/ranking-rules' \
  3. --data '[
  4. "typo",
  5. "words",
  6. "proximity",
  7. "attribute",
  8. "wordsPosition",
  9. "exactness",
  10. "asc(release_date)",
  11. "desc(rank)"
  12. ]'
  1. client.index('movies').updateRankingRules([
  2. 'typo',
  3. 'words',
  4. 'proximity',
  5. 'attribute',
  6. 'wordsPosition',
  7. 'exactness',
  8. 'asc(release_date)',
  9. 'desc(rank)'
  10. ])
  1. client.index('movies').update_ranking_rules([
  2. 'typo',
  3. 'words',
  4. 'proximity',
  5. 'attribute',
  6. 'wordsPosition',
  7. 'exactness',
  8. 'asc(release_date)',
  9. 'desc(rank)'
  10. ])
  1. $client->index('movies')->updateRankingRules([
  2. 'typo',
  3. 'words',
  4. 'proximity',
  5. 'attribute',
  6. 'wordsPosition',
  7. 'exactness',
  8. 'asc(release_date)',
  9. 'desc(rank)'
  10. ]);
  1. index.update_ranking_rules([
  2. 'typo',
  3. 'words',
  4. 'proximity',
  5. 'attribute',
  6. 'wordsPosition',
  7. 'exactness',
  8. 'asc(release_date)',
  9. 'desc(rank)'
  10. ])
  1. rankingRules := []string{
  2. "typo",
  3. "words",
  4. "proximity",
  5. "attribute",
  6. "wordsPosition",
  7. "exactness",
  8. "asc(release_date)",
  9. "desc(rank)",
  10. }
  11. client.Settings("movies").UpdateRankingRules(rankingRules)
  1. let ranking_rules = [
  2. "typo",
  3. "words",
  4. "proximity",
  5. "attribute",
  6. "wordsPosition",
  7. "exactness",
  8. "asc(release_date)",
  9. "desc(rank)",
  10. ];
  11. let progress: Progress = movies.set_ranking_rules(&ranking_rules).await.unwrap();

Response: 202 Accepted

  1. {
  2. "updateId": 1
  3. }

This updateId allows you to track the current update.

Reset ranking rules


  1. /indexes/:index_uid/settings/ranking-rules

Reset the ranking rules of an index to its default value.

Default value

An array that contains built-in ranking rules sorted by order of importance.

  1. ["typo", "words", "proximity", "attribute", "wordsPosition", "exactness"]

To remove all ranking rules, which is not recommended in any case, you would send an empty array to the add or replace ranking rules route.

Path Variables

index_uidThe index UID


  1. curl \
  2. -X DELETE 'http://localhost:7700/indexes/movies/settings/ranking-rules'
  1. client.index('movies').resetRankingRules()
  1. client.index('movies').reset_ranking_rules()
  1. $client->index('movies')->resetRankingRules();
  1. index.reset_ranking_rules
  1. client.Settings("movies").ResetRankingRules()
  1. let progress: Progress = movies.reset_ranking_rules().await.unwrap();

Response: 202 Accepted

  1. {
  2. "updateId": 1
  3. }

This updateId allows you to track the current update.