title: vela cluster join

join managed cluster.


join managed cluster by kubeconfig.

  1. vela cluster join [KUBECONFIG] [flags]


  1. # Join cluster declared in my-child-cluster.kubeconfig
  2. > vela cluster join my-child-cluster.kubeconfig --name example-cluster


  1. --create-namespace string Specifies the namespace need to create in managedCluster
  2. -t, --engine string Specify the cluster management engine. If empty, it will use cluster-gateway cluster management solution. Default to be empty.
  3. -h, --help help for join
  4. --in-cluster-boostrap If true, the registering managed cluster will use the internal endpoint prescribed in the hub cluster's configmap "kube-public/cluster-info to register "itself to the hub cluster. Otherwise use the original endpoint from the hub kubeconfig. (default true)
  5. -n, --name string Specify the cluster name. If empty, it will use the cluster name in config file. Default to be empty.


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Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 12-Jan-2022, refer to script in KubeVela.