

KubeSphere v3.0.0 is compatible with Kubernetes 1.15.x, 1.16.x, 1.17.x and 1.18.x:

  • If your KubeSphere v2.1.x is installed on Kubernetes 1.15.x+, you can choose to only upgrade KubeSphere to v3.0.0 or upgrade Kubernetes (to a higher version) and KubeSphere (to v3.0.0) at the same time.

  • If your KubeSphere v2.1.x is installed on Kubernetes 1.14.x, you have to upgrade Kubernetes (to 1.15.x+) and KubeSphere (to v3.0.0 ) at the same time.


There are some significant API changes in Kubernetes 1.16.x compared with prior versions 1.14.x and 1.15.x. Please refer to Deprecated APIs Removed In 1.16: Here’s What You Need To Know for more details. So if you plan to upgrade from Kubernetes 1.14.x/1.15.x to 1.16.x+, you have to migrate some of your workloads after upgrading.

Before Upgrade


  • You are supposed to implement a simulation for the upgrade in a testing environment first. After the upgrade is successful in the testing environment and all applications are running normally, upgrade it in your production environment.
  • During the upgrade process, there may be a short interruption of applications (especially for those single-replica Pod). Please arrange a reasonable period of time for upgrade.
  • It is recommended to back up ETCD and stateful applications before upgrading in a production environment. You can use Velero to implement backup and migrate Kubernetes resources and persistent volumes.


A brand-new installer KubeKey is introduced in KubeSphere v3.0.0, with which you can install or upgrade Kubernetes and KubeSphere. More details about upgrading with KubeKey will be covered in Upgrade with KubeKey.

KubeKey or ks-installer?

ks-installer was the main installation tool as of KubeSphere v2. For users whose Kubernetes clusters were NOT deployed via KubeSphere Installer, they should choose ks-installer to upgrade KubeSphere. For example, if your Kubernetes is hosted by cloud vendors or self provisioned, please refer to Upgrade with ks-installer.