Credentials Management

A DevOps project user can configure credentials in the application for dedicated use by Jenkins Pipeline. Once a user (e.g. Owner and Maintainer) adds/configures these credentials in DevOps project, the credentials can be used by DevOps projects to interact with these 3rd party applications.

Currently, it can store the following 4 types of credentials in DevOps project:

  • Account credentials: Username and password - which could be handled as separate components or as a colon separated string in the format username:password, such as GitHub, GitLab, Docker Hub, etc.
  • SSH Username with private key - an SSH public/private key pair.
  • Secret text - which is essentially secret content in a file.
  • kubeconfig: It’s used to configure cross-cluster authentication, the page will automatically generate the contents of the kubeconfig file of the current Kubernetes cluster. You can also fill

Create a Credential

  1. Sign in with project-regular, choose Credentials and click Create Credential.

Create a Credential

  1. Fill in the basic information in the pop-up window.

  2. Credential ID: it will be used in pipeline, e.g. gitlab-id

  3. Type: See above introduction.

  4. Username: Your personal username for 3rd party application.

  5. Token/password: Your personal password for 3rd party application.

  6. Description: A brief introduction to this credential.

Click OK when you’re done.

Create a Credential

  1. Then you can see this credential has been created successully.


Using the Credential

  1. When you creating a Pipeline, click on Code Repository.

DevOps Project Management - 图4

  1. Choose Git, then select gitlab-id that we created at the last step. Thus you can use it directly.

DevOps Project Management - 图5

Manage the Credential

Click into this credential’s details page, then you can edit its information or delete it.

Manage the Credential