Deploying a Grafana to Kubernetes using Application Template


This tutorial shows you how to quickly deploy a Grafana application in KubeSphere via App Template, demonstrating the basic functionality of the application repository, application templates, and application management.


You’ve completed all steps in Getting Started with Multi-tenant Management.

Hands-on Lab

Step 1: Add a Application Repository

Note: The application repository can be either the Object Storage, e.g. QingStor Object Storage, AWS S3, or GitHub Repository. The packages are composed of Helm Chart template files of the applications. Therefore, before adding an application repository to KubeSphere, you need to create an object storage and upload Helm packages in advance. This tutorial prepares a demo repository based on QingStor Object Storage.

1.1. Sign in with admin account and navigate to Platform → Platform Settings → App Repositories, then Click Add App Repository.

Deploying Grafana using APP Template - 图1

1.2. Fill in the basic information, name it as demo-repo and input the URL with, you can validate if this URL is available, choose OK when you’ve done.

Deploying Grafana using APP Template - 图2

1.3. Click App Templates on the top of this page, it will automatically import all of the applications from the demo repository.

Deploying Grafana using APP Template - 图3

Step 2: Deploy the Grafana Application

2.1. When you’ve already added the repository, you can logout and sign in with project-regular account. Then select App Templates on the top of this page, input “grafana” in the search box to find the application.

Deploying Grafana using APP Template - 图4

2.2. Click into grafana, Deploy App and fill in the basic information.

Deploying Grafana using APP Template - 图5

2.3. Name can be customized by yourself, choose the corresponding Workspace (e.g. demo-workspace) and Project (e.g. demo-project) as the environment. Then choose Deploy to deploy Grafana to KubeSphere.

2.4. Back to the demo-project and choose Applications, then you can see the application grafana showing active from the application list.

Deploying Grafana using APP Template - 图6

Step 3: View App Details

3.1. Click into grafana application, you will be able to see its Services and Workloads in Resource Status page, as well as Environmental Variables and App Template information.

Deploying Grafana using APP Template - 图7

3.2. Next we are going to expose this service outside of the cluster via NodePort. Enter into its service e.g. grafana-l47bmc, then click More → Edit Internet Access.

Deploying Grafana using APP Template - 图8

3.3. Select NodePort from the drop down list.

Deploying Grafana using APP Template - 图9

3.4. Therefore it will generate a Node Port, for example, here is 31126 that we can access this service using <$NodeIP>:<$NodePort>.

Deploying Grafana using APP Template - 图10

Step 4: Access the Grafana Service

At this point, you will be able to access the Nginx service via ${Node IP}:${NODEPORT}, e.g., or click the button Click to visit to access the Grafana dashboard.

4.1. Note that you have to obtain the account and password from the grafana secret in advance. Navigate to Configuration Center → Secrets, click into grafana-l47bmc (Type: Default).

Deploying Grafana using APP Template - 图11

4.2. Click the button to display the secret information, then copy and paste the value of admin-user and admin-password.

Deploying Grafana using APP Template - 图12

4.3. Open the Grafana log in page, sign in with the admin account.

Deploying Grafana using APP Template - 图13

Deploying Grafana using APP Template - 图14