
Kustomize v3.1.0


Extended patches

Since this version, Kustomize allows applying one patch to multiple resources. This works for both Strategic Merge Patch and JSON Patch. Take a look at patch multiple objects.

Improved Resource Matching

Multiple improvements have been made to allow the user to leverage “namespace” instead/or with “name suffix/prefix” to segregate resources.

Patch resolution improvement

The following example demonstrates how using the namespace field in the patch definition, will let the user define two different patches against two different Deployment having the same “deploy1” name but in different namespaces in the same Kustomize context/folder. Unless the namespace: field has been specified in the kustomization.yaml, no namespace value will be handled as Kubernetes default namespace.

  1. apiVersion: apps/v1
  2. kind: Deployment
  3. metadata:
  4. name: deploy1
  5. namespace: main
  6. spec:
  7. template:
  8. spec:
  9. containers:
  10. - name: nginx
  11. env:
  12. - name: ANOTHERENV
  13. value: TESTVALUE
  14. ---
  15. apiVersion: apps/v1
  16. kind: Deployment
  17. metadata:
  18. name: deploy1
  19. namespace: production
  20. spec:
  21. template:
  22. spec:
  23. containers:
  24. - name: main
  25. env:
  26. - name: ANOTHERENV
  27. value: PRODVALUE

Variable resolution improvement

It is possible to add namespace field to the variable declaration. In the following example, two Service objects with the same elasticsearch name have been declared. Specifying the namespace in the objRef of the corresponding varriables, allows Kustomize to resovlve thoses variables. If the namespace is not specified, Kustomize will handle it has a “wildcard” value.

Extract of kustomization.yaml:

  1. vars:
  2. - name: elasticsearch-test-protocol
  3. objref:
  4. kind: Service
  5. name: elasticsearch
  6. namespace: test
  7. apiVersion: v1
  8. fieldref:
  9. fieldpath: spec.ports[0].protocol
  10. - name: elasticsearch-dev-protocol
  11. objref:
  12. kind: Service
  13. name: elasticsearch
  14. namespace: dev
  15. apiVersion: v1
  16. fieldref:
  17. fieldpath: spec.ports[0].protocol

Simultaneous change of names and namespaces

Kustomize is now able to deal with simultaneous changes of name and namespace. Special attention has been paid the handling of:

  • ClusterRoleBinding/RoleBinding “subjects” field,
  • ValidatingWebhookConfiguration “webhooks” field.

The user should be able to use a kustomization.yaml as shown in the example bellow even if ClusterRoleBind,RoleBinding and ValidatingWebookConfiguration are part of the resources he needs to declare.

Extract of kustomization.yaml:

  1. namePrefix: pfx-
  2. nameSuffix: -sfx
  3. namespace: testnamespace
  4. resources:
  5. ...

Resource and Kustomize Context matching

Kustomize is now able to support more aggregation patterns.

If for instance, the top level of kustomization.yaml, is simply combining sub-components, (as in the following example), Kustomize has improved resource matching capabilities. This removes some of the constraints which were present on the utilization of prefix/suffix and namespace transformers in the individual components.

  1. resources:
  2. - ../component1
  3. - ../component2
  4. - ../component3

Other improvements

  • Image transformation has been improved. This allows the user to update the sha256 of an image with another sha256.
  • Multiple default transformer configuration entries have been added, removing the need for the user to add them as part of the configurations: section of the kustomization.yaml.
  • kustomize help command has been tidied up.

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