This page contains a few commonly occurring questions.

Container keeps pending/ terminating

  1. Check the output of kubectl get nodes

  2. Check the output of kubectl describe pod <your-pod>

  3. Check the edgecore logs for any errors.

  4. Check the architecture of the node running edgecore and make sure that container image you are trying to run is of the same architecture. For example, if you are running edgecore on Raspberry Pi 4, which is of arm64v8 architecture, the nginx image to be executed would be arm64v8/nginx from the docker hub.

  5. Also, check that the podSandboxImage is correctly set as defined in Modification in edgecore.yaml.

  6. If all of the above is correctly set, login manually to your edge node and run your docker image manually by

    1. docker run <your-container-image>
  7. If the docker container image is not pulled from the docker hub, please check that there is enough space on the edge node.

Where do we find cloudcore/edgecore logs

This depends on the how cloudcore/ edgecore has been executed.

  1. If systemd was used to start the cloudcore/ edgecore? then use journalctl --unit <name of the service probably edgecore.service> to view the logs.
  2. If nohup was used to start the cloudcore/ edgecore, either a path would have been added where the log is located, Otherwise, if the log file wasn’t provided, the logs would be written to stdout.

Where do we find the pod logs

Connect to the edge node and then either

  • use the log file located in /var/log/pods or
  • use commands like docker logs <container id>

kubectl logs is not yet supported by KubeEdge.