


  • 扫描并连接设备。
  • 收集设备观测到的值。
  • 对设备数据进行标准化处理。
  • 推送或拉取设备数据。
  • 设置设备孪生的期望值。
  • 对设备进行健康检查。(todo)

KubeEdge使用Device Controller、Device Twin和Mapper来控制设备。Device Controller位于云端,它使用CRD来定义和控制设备。 Device Twin位于边缘侧,它能够存储来自Mapper的值/状态并在Mapper与Device Controller之间传递消息。 同时,Device Twin中的DMI用于向云端注册Mapper并把Device Model与Device Instance传递给Mapper。


现在用户能够使用 mapper framework 来生成自己的Mapper并控制边缘设备。

1. 设计设备模型与设备实例的CRDs

如果你不清楚如何定义Device Model和Device Instance的配置文件,你可以从page中获取更多细节。

2. 生成Mapper工程


  1. make generate
  2. Please input the mapper name (like 'Bluetooth', 'BLE'): foo


  1. mapper
  2. ├── cmd ------------------------ Main process.
  3. └── main.go ------------------ Almost need not change.
  4. ├── config.yaml ---------------- Configuration file including DMI's grpc settting
  5. ├── data ----------------------- Publish data and database implementation layer, almost need not change
  6. │ ├── dbmethod ----------------- Provider implement database interfaces to save data
  7. │ │ ├── influxdb2 -------------- Implementation of Time Series Database(InfluxDB)
  8. │ │ │ └── client.go ------------ InfluxDB client
  9. │ │ ├── redis -------------------Implementation of K/V Database(Redis)
  10. │ │ │ └── client.go ------------ Redis client
  11. │ │ └── tdengine ---------------Implementation of Time Series Database(TDengine)
  12. │ │ └── client.go ------------ TDengine client
  13. │ └── publish ------------------ Publisher implement push interfaces to push data,will add more protocols in the future
  14. │ ├── http ----------------- HTTP client will push data to server
  15. │ │ └── client.go --------- WIP
  16. │ └── mqtt ----------------- MQTT client will push data to broker
  17. │ └── client.go ------- WIP
  18. ├── device --------------------- Implementation device layer, almost need not change
  19. │ ├── device.go ---------------- Device control, almost need not change
  20. │ └── devicetwin.go ------------ Push twin data to EdgeCore, almost need not change
  21. ├── Dockerfile
  22. ├── driver --------------------- Device driver layer, complete TODO item in this
  23. │ ├── devicetype.go ------------ Refine the struct as your CRD
  24. │ └── driver.go ---------------- Fill in the functions like getting data/setting register.
  25. ├── hack
  26. │ └── make-rules
  27. │ └──
  28. └── Makefile


  • 在devicetype.go文件中,需要按照设备实例yaml文件中定义的方式填写ProtocolConfig和VisitorConfig结构体信息,以便Mapper能够正确解析配置信息。
  • 在driver.go文件中,需要自定义初始化设备和获取设备数据的方法,并对Mapper收集的数据进行标准化。
  • 在config.yaml中,需要定义Mapper的协议名称。

3. 部署Mapper


  1. docker build -t [YOUR MAPPER IMAGE NAME] .

一个Mapper Deployment配置文件的例子如下:

  1. apiVersion: apps/v1
  2. kind: Deployment
  3. metadata:
  4. name: mapper-test
  5. namespace: default
  6. spec:
  7. replicas: 1
  8. selector:
  9. matchLabels:
  10. app: demo
  11. template:
  12. metadata:
  13. labels:
  14. app: demo
  15. spec:
  16. nodeName: edge-node # Replace with your edge node name
  17. containers:
  18. - name: demo
  19. volumeMounts: #Required, mapper need to communicate with grpcclient
  20. - mountPath: /etc/kubeedge
  21. name: test-volume
  22. env: #Not Required, this field is used to mount the user database key
  23. - name: TOKEN
  24. valueFrom:
  25. secretKeyRef:
  26. name: demo-secret
  27. key: token
  28. image: # Replace with your mapper image name
  29. imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
  30. resources:
  31. limits:
  32. cpu: 300m
  33. memory: 500Mi
  34. requests:
  35. cpu: 100m
  36. memory: 100Mi
  37. command: [ "/bin/sh","-c" ]
  38. args: [ "/kubeedge/main --config-file /kubeedge/config.yaml --v 4" ]
  39. volumes:
  40. - name: test-volume
  41. hostPath:
  42. path: /etc/kubeedge
  43. type: Directory


  1. kubectl apply -f <path to mapper yaml>


  1. go run cmd/main.go --v <log level,like 3> --config-file <path to config yaml>


我们当前提供虚拟设备virtualdevice mapper、modbus协议mapper以及USB协议mapper作为Mapper Framework的例子:
