Both a request and a response could have various content headers.
Some of these are:

  • Content-Type
  • Content-Length
  • Content-Encoding

Among many others. We’re particularly interested in type and length.
Koa has getters/setters for type and length:

  • this.request.type
  • this.request.length
  • this.response.type
  • this.response.length

Inferring this.request.type is a little difficult.
For example, how do you know if the request is text?
You don’t want to use a regular expression or try all the possible mime types.
Thus, Koa has for you:

  1.'image/*') // => image/png
  2.'text') // => text or false

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Create an app that checks the Content-Type of the request.
If it’s application/json, return {message: 'hi!'} with appropriate content headers.
Otherwise, return ok as a string.