Project Structure

🚧 This is a work-in-progress 🚧

Code Layout

The kind project is composed of two parts: the CLI and the packages that
implement kind’s functionality. We will go more in depth below.


kind’s CLI commands are defined in cmd/kind. Each subdirectory corresponds to a command, and each of their subdirectories implements a subcommand. The CLI is built using cobra and you can see the app’s entrypoint,


  1. ├── pkg
  2. ├── build # Build and manage images
  3. ├── cluster # Build and manage clusters
  4. ├── concurrent # Utilities for running functions concurrently
  5. ├── container # Interact with the host's container runtime
  6. ├── exec # Execute commands
  7. ├── fs # Interact with the host file system
  8. ├── kustomize # Work with embedded kustomize commands
  9. ├── log # Logging
  10. └── util

kind commands rely on the functionality of the packages directory. Here, you will find everything needed to build container images for kind; create clusters from these images; interact with the Docker engine and file system; customize configuration files; and logging.

Developer Tooling

Kind includes some tools to help developers maintain the source code compliant to Go best coding practices using tools such as Go fmt, Go lint, and Go vet. It also includes utility scripts that will generate code necessary for kind to make use of Kubernetes-style resource definitions.

Tools are included in the hack/ directory and fall in one of two categories:

  • update/* : make changes to the source code
  • verify/* : verify that source code is in a good state

We will proceed by describing all of the current tooling in hack/.


You can check the compliance of the entire project by running the verify/ script. This script will do the following:

  • check spelling using client9/misspell
  • check that the code is properly formatted using Go fmt
  • check that all source code (except vendored and generated code) successfully passes Go lint’s style rules
  • verify that all code successfully passes Go vet’s tests
  • verify that any of the generated files is up to date
  • verify vendored dependencies are present


In order to get the project’s source code into a compilable state, the script update/ performs the following tasks:

Let’s go a little in depth on each of these files.

update/ performs the following steps:

  • runs go mod tidy to remove any no-longer-needed dependencies from go.mod and add any dependencies needed for other combinations of OS, architecture, and build tags
  • runs go mod vendor, which re-populates the vendor directory, resets the main module’s vendor directory to include all packages needed to build and test all of the module’s packages based on the state of the go.mod files and Go source code.
  • finally, it prunes the vendor directory of any unnecessary files (keeps code source files, licenses, author files, etc).

update/ runs gofmt on all nonvendored source code to format and simplify the code.

update/ in short, generates Go source code that is necessary to use a Kubernetes-style resource definition to define a schema that can be use to configure Kind.

Going a bit more in depth, update/ does the following:

These programs are used to generate Kubernetes-like APIs. These programs are run in the following sequence: deepcopy -> defaulter -> conversion.

To understand this process better, we need to keep in mind that kind’s configuration schema dictates how to bootstrap a Kubernetes cluster. The schema is defined in kind/pkg/cluster/config. In this directory, currently, you will see two subdirectories: v1alpha3. Each of these subdirectories corresponds to a version of kind’s cluster configuration.

One of the concerns with versioned configurations is enabling the project to be compatible with old schema versions. With this in mind, kind/pkg/cluster/config contains the internal configuration fields which are used as the basis for conversion between the external types (i.e. v1alpha3).

The way this is implemented is by running deepcopy-gen and defaulter-gen in kind/pkg/cluster/config, followed by running deepcopy-gen, defaulter-gen, and conversion-gen on all version subdirectories (i.e. v1alpha3).

The kubernetes/code-generator tools work by comment tags which are specified in the doc.go file for each directory. For example, all doc.go files within kind/pkg/cluster/config have the following tags:

  1. // +k8s:deepcopy-gen=package
  2. //
  3. // +k8s:defaulter-gen=TypeMeta

Additionally, pkg/cluster/config/types.go has an additional tag:

  1. //

Let’s see how this tags work with the kubernetes/code-generator binaries deepcopy-gen, defaulter-gen, and conversion-gen.

For each of the directories related to defining a configuration for kind, we start by running deepcopy-gen. deepcopy-gen generates functions that efficiently perform a full deep-copy of each type that is part of the configuration.

Once we have these utility functions in place then we will need to run defaulter-gen to generate efficient defaulters (functions that will fill in default value for configuration fields) for the configuration schema based on the Config and the Node types. The way this works is that the // +k8s:defaulter-gen=TypeMeta comment tag will generate a defaulter for the Config type as this possesses a TypeMeta field.

The TypeMeta field is defined in TypeMeta is a struct with a Kind and APIVersion fields. Structures that are versioned or persisted should inline TypeMeta.

The final step in code generation for kind’s configuration specification involves running conversion-gen which will scan its input directories, looking at the package defined in each of those directories for comment tags that define a conversion code generation task. In Kind, you will see the following comment tag

  1. //

which introduces a conversion task for which the destination package (the top level configuration definition in kind/pkg/cluster/config) is the one containing the file with the tag. This last step builds on the deep copy generators and defaulters previously created to enable kind to understand any known configuration version.