Contributing to k0s

Thank you for taking the time to make a contribution to k0s. The following document is a set of guidelines and instructions for contributing to k0s.

When contributing to this repository, please consider first discussing the change you wish to make by opening an issue.

Code of Conduct

Our code of conduct can be found in the link below. Please follow it in all your interactions with the project.

GitHub Workflow

We use GitHub flow, so all code changes are tracked via Pull Requests. A detailed guide on the recommended workflow can be found below:

Code Testing

All submitted PRs go through a set of tests and reviews. You can run most of these tests before a PR is submitted. In fact, we recommend it, because it will save on many possible review iterations and automated tests. The testing guidelines can be found here:


By contributing, you agree that your contributions will be licensed as followed:

  • All content residing under the “docs/“ directory of this repository is licensed under “Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International” (CC-BY-SA-4.0). See docs/LICENCE for details.
  • Content outside of the above mentioned directories or restrictions above is available under the “Apache License 2.0”.


Some of you might have noticed we have official community blog hosted on Medium. If you are not yet following us, we’d like to invite you to do so now! Make sure to follow us on X as well 😊

We have also decided to participate in the Lens Forums. As part of our ongoing collaboration with the Lens IDE team, who are not only close friends of the k0s crew but also widely embraced by the Kubernetes user community, it was only natural for us to join forces on their platform. By becoming a part of the Lens Forums, you can easily connect with us through the dedicated k0s categories. Stay in the loop with the latest news, engage in technical discussions, and contribute your expertise and feedback!