
This page was last updated August 28, 2019.

This vendor-provided document has not been tested on the Istio 1.9 release and may contain bugs.

Follow these instructions to prepare MicroK8s for using Istio.

Administrative privileges are required to run MicroK8s.

  1. Install the latest version of MicroK8s using the command

    $ sudo snap install microk8s --classic

  2. Enable Istio with the following command:

    $ microk8s.enable istio

  3. When prompted, choose whether to enforce mutual TLS authentication among sidecars. If you have a mixed deployment with non-Istio and Istio enabled services or you’re unsure, choose No.

Please run the following command to check deployment progress:

  1. $ watch microk8s.kubectl get all --all-namespaces