Command-line Tools


In addition to InLong Dashboard, you can view and create data groups and streams through command-line tools.

  1. Usage: managerctl [options] [command] [command options]
  2. Options:
  3. -h, --help
  4. Get all command about managerctl.
  5. Commands:
  6. create Create resource by json file
  7. Usage: create [options]
  8. describe Display details of one or more resources
  9. Usage: describe [options]
  10. list Displays main information for one or more resources
  11. Usage: list [options]

The current command line tool supports six commands of list , describe , update , delete , log , and create.


Go to the inlong-manager directory , modify the following configurations of the conf/ file.

  2. server.port=8080
  3. default.admin.user=admin
  4. default.admin.password=inlong


  1. Usage: managerctl list [command] [command options]
  2. Commands:
  3. stream Get stream main information
  4. Usage: stream [options]
  5. Options:
  6. * -g, --group
  7. inlong group id
  8. group Get group details
  9. Usage: group [options]
  10. Options:
  11. -g, --group
  12. inlong group id
  13. -n, --num
  14. the number displayed
  15. Default: 10
  16. -s, --status
  19. sink Get sink details
  20. Usage: sink [options]
  21. Options:
  22. * -g, --group
  23. group id
  24. * -s, --stream
  25. stream id
  26. source Get source details
  27. Usage: source [options]
  28. Options:
  29. * -g, --group
  30. inlong group id
  31. * -s, --stream
  32. inlong stream id
  33. -t, --type
  34. sink type

* means required

The list command is used to showcase the core information of Inlong Group / Stream / Sink / Source.


  1. Usage: managerctl describe [command] [command options]
  2. Commands:
  3. stream Get stream details
  4. Usage: stream [options]
  5. Options:
  6. * -g, --group
  7. inlong group id
  8. group Get group details
  9. Usage: group [options]
  10. Options:
  11. -g, --group
  12. inlong group id
  13. -n, --num
  14. the number displayed
  15. Default: 10
  16. -s, --status
  17. Default: 0
  18. sink Get sink details
  19. Usage: sink [options]
  20. Options:
  21. * -g, --group
  22. inlong group id
  23. * -s, --stream
  24. inlong stream id
  25. source Get source details
  26. Usage: source [options]
  27. Options:
  28. * -g, --group
  29. inlong group id
  30. * -s, --stream
  31. inlong stream id
  32. * -t, --type
  33. sink type

The describe command is used to show the details of the Inlong Group / Stream / Sink / Source and output in JSON format.


  1. Usage: managerctl create [command] [command options]
  2. Commands:
  3. group Create group by json file
  4. Usage: group [options]
  5. Options:
  6. * -f, --file
  7. json file

The create command does not need to submit for review , just prepare the configured information in the JSON file.

Json File

Json files have five parts: groupConfstreamConfstreamSourcestreamSink and streamFieldList

  1. {
  2. "groupConf": {
  3. "groupName": "test_group",
  4. "description": "",
  5. "proxyClusterId": "1",
  6. "mqBaseConf": {
  7. "type": "PULSAR",
  8. "pulsarServiceUrl": "pulsar://",
  9. "pulsarAdminUrl": "",
  10. "tenant": "tenant",
  11. "namespace": "namespace",
  12. "enableCreateResource": false
  13. },
  14. "sortBaseConf": {
  15. "type": "FLINK",
  16. "serviceUrl": ""
  17. },
  18. "zookeeperEnabled": false,
  19. "dailyRecords": 10000000,
  20. "peakRecords": 100000,
  21. "maxLength": 10000
  22. },
  23. "streamConf": {
  24. "name": "test_stream",
  25. "description": "",
  26. "dataSeparator": "|",
  27. "strictlyOrdered": true,
  28. "topic": "topic"
  29. },
  30. "streamSource": {
  31. "sourceType": "KAFKA",
  32. "bootstrapServers": "",
  33. "topic": "kafka_topic",
  34. "sourceName": "kafka_sourceName",
  35. "dataFormat": "json",
  36. "autoOffsetReset": "EARLIEST"
  37. },
  38. "streamSink": {
  39. "sinkType": "HIVE",
  40. "dbName": "test_db",
  41. "jdbcUrl": "jdbc:hive2://",
  42. "authentication": {
  43. "userName": "hive",
  44. "password": "hive"
  45. },
  46. "fileFormat": "TextFile",
  47. "dataSeparator": "|",
  48. "dataPath": "hdfs://",
  49. "sinkFields": [
  50. {
  51. "id": 0,
  52. "fieldType": "STRING",
  53. "fieldName": "name",
  54. "sourceFieldType": "STRING",
  55. "sourceFieldName": "name"
  56. }
  57. ],
  58. "tableName": "test_table",
  59. "sinkName": "test",
  60. "dataFormat": "json"
  61. },
  62. "streamFieldList": [
  63. {
  64. "id": 0,
  65. "fieldType": "STRING",
  66. "fieldName": "name",
  67. "fieldComment": null,
  68. "fieldValue": null
  69. }
  70. ]
  71. }


  • Kafka

    1. "streamSource": {
    2. "sourceType": "KAFKA",
    3. "sourceName": "sourceName",
    4. "bootstrapServers": "",
    5. "topic": "kafka_topic",
    6. "dataFormat": "json",
    7. "autoOffsetReset": "EARLIEST"
    8. },
  • MySQL Binlog

    1. "mqBaseConf": {
    2. "type": "BINLOG",
    3. "sourceName": "sourceName",
    4. "hostname": "",
    5. "port" : "3306",
    6. "authentication": {
    7. "userName": "root",
    8. "password": "root"
    9. },
    10. "includeSchema": false,
    11. "serverTimezone": "UTC",
    12. "monitoredDdl": false,
    13. "allMigration": false,
    14. "dbNames": ["db1", "test_db*"],
    15. "tableNames": ["tb1", "user"*],
    16. }
  • File

    1. "mqBaseConf": {
    2. "type": "FILE",
    3. "sourceName": "sourceName",
    4. "ip": "",
    5. "pattern" : "/a/b/*.txt",
    6. "timeOffset": "-1d"
    7. }


  • Hive

    1. "streamSink": {
    2. "sinkType": "HIVE",
    3. "dbName": "test_db",
    4. "jdbcUrl": "jdbc:hive2://",
    5. "authentication": {
    6. "userName": "hive",
    7. "password": "hive"
    8. },
  • Kafka

    1. "mqBaseConf": {
    2. "type": "KAFKA",
    3. "bootstrapServers": "",
    4. "topicName": "test_topic",
    5. "dataFormat": "JSON",
    6. "boolean": false,
    7. }
  • ClickHouse

    1. "mqBaseConf": {
    2. "type": "CLICKHOUSE",
    3. "sinkName": "sinkName",
    4. "dbName": "db_test",
    5. "tableName": "table_test",
    6. "jdbcUrl": "jdbc:clickhouse://",
    7. "authentication": {
    8. "userName": "default",
    9. "password": "default"
    10. },
    11. "isDistributed": 1,
    12. "flushInterval": 1,
    13. "flushRecord": 10,
    14. "keyFieldNames": "keyField",
    15. "partitionFields": "partition",
    16. "partitionStrategy": "BALANCE",
    17. "retryTimes": 3,
    18. "needCreated": false
    19. }


  1. Usage: managerctl delete [command]
  2. Commands:
  3. group The id of the inlong group that is to be deleted
  4. Usage: group

The delete command deletes the inlong group corresponding to the given id.


  1. Usage: managerctl update [command] [command options]
  2. Commands:
  3. group The id of the inlong group that is to be updated
  4. Usage: group [options]
  5. Options:
  6. *-c --config
  7. the config file as json

The update command updates the inlong group corresponding to the given id, using the config file provided.

  • Sortconf json example

    1. "FlinkSortConf": {
    2. "sortType": "flink",
    3. "authentication": "NONE",
    4. "serviceUrl": "",
    5. "region": "beijing",
    6. "properties": {}
    7. }


  1. Usage: managerctl log [command] [command options]
  2. Commands:
  3. group Get group details
  4. Usage: group [options]
  5. Options:
  6. *-q --query [parameter:value]
  7. select the list of groups accourding to one selected query.
  8. Supported filters:
  9. inlongGroupId
  10. name (Inlong group name)
  11. mqType
  12. mqResource
  13. inlongClusterTag
  14. inCharges
  15. status
  16. creator
  17. modifier
  18. createTime
  19. modifyTime

The log command is used to filter out inlong groups according to its properties from a small list of inlong groups.