

Apache InLong Manager is the user-oriented unified UI of the entire data access platform. Now we provide client SDK for users, which means you can use client to manipulate your group task instead of UI.


  • Add Maven Dependency

    1. <dependency>
    2. <groupId>org.apache.inlong</groupId>
    3. <artifactId>manager-client</artifactId>
    4. <version>1.13.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
    5. </dependency>


  • We provide two unit cases for you to build your own group task, you can replace the predefined params and try it in your own cluster.
  • In following cases, Apache Pulsar and Apache Flink are needed when your group is inited. You can run Inlong group in your own cluster, or with the help of third-party services.

Programming must know interface

  1. // Create client configuration
  2. ClientConfiguration configuration = createClientConfig();
  3. // Init Inlong client
  4. InlongClient inlongClient = InlongClient.create(SERVICE_URL, configuration);
  5. try {
  6. // Create group conf
  7. InlongGroupConf groupConf = createGroupConf();
  8. // Init group resource by conf
  9. InlongGroup group = inlongClient.forGroup(groupConf);
  10. // Create stream conf
  11. InlongStreamConf streamConf = createStreamConf();
  12. // Create Stream builder
  13. InlongStreamBuilder streamBuilder = group.createStream(streamConf);
  14. // Create stream source
  15. streamBuilder.source(createSource());
  16. // Create stream sink
  17. streamBuilder.sink(createSink());
  18. // Init stream
  19. streamBuilder.initOrUpdate();
  20. // Start group in server
  21. InlongGroupContext inlongGroupContext = group.init();
  22. } catch (Exception e) {
  23. e.printStackTrace();
  24. }


Refer to manager-client-examples org.apache.inlong.manager.client.Kafka2HiveExample.java


Refer to manager-client-examples org.apache.inlong.manager.client.Binlog2KafkaExample.java

Last but not Least

If you have any question about manager client, communicate with us please.