Building from source

Build the binaries

Building binaries requires a Linux operating system.

To build the binaries yourself, simply clone this repo and run:

  1. make all

Below are instructions on how to build binaries for other architectures and systems.

Linux (by component)

  1. GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 make immuclient-static immuadmin-static immudb-static

MacOS (by component)

  1. GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 make immuclient-static immuadmin-static immudb-static

Windows (by component)

  1. GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 make immuclient-static immuadmin-static immudb-static

Build the Docker images

If you want to build the container images yourself, simply clone this repo and run:

  1. docker build -t myown/immudb:latest -f Dockerfile .
  2. docker build -t myown/immuadmin:latest -f Dockerfile.immuadmin .
  3. docker build -t myown/immuclient:latest -f Dockerfile.immuclient .