Tamperproofing utilities

Current State

CurrentState returns the last state of the server.

  1. state, err := client.CurrentState(ctx)
  2. if err != nil {
  3. log.Fatal(err)
  4. }
  5. fmt.Printf("current state is : %v", state)
  1. ImmuState currState = immuClient.currentState();
  2. System.out.printf("The current state is " + currState.toString());

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  1. import ImmudbClient from 'immudb-node'
  2. const IMMUDB_HOST = ''
  3. const IMMUDB_PORT = '3322'
  4. const IMMUDB_USER = 'immudb'
  5. const IMMUDB_PWD = 'immudb'
  6. const cl = new ImmudbClient({ host: IMMUDB_HOST, port: IMMUDB_PORT });
  7. (async () => {
  8. await cl.login({ user: IMMUDB_USER, password: IMMUDB_PWD })
  9. const currentStateRes = await cl.currentState()
  10. console.log('success: currentState', currentStateRes)
  11. })()

This feature is not yet supported or not documented. Do you want to make a feature request or help out? Open an issue on .Net sdk github projectTamperproofing utilities - 图2 (opens new window)

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