ABS | absolute value |
ACOS | arccosine |
ACOSH | inverse hyperbolic cosine |
AND | logical and operator |
AS | stream or field name alias |
ASIN | arcsine |
ASINH | inverse hyperbolic sine |
ATAN | arctangent |
ATANH | inverse hyperbolic tangent |
AVG | average function |
BETWEEN | range operator, used with AND |
BY | do something by certain conditions, used with GROUP or ORDER |
CEIL | rounds a number UPWARDS to the nearest integer |
COS | cosine |
COSH | hyperbolic cosine |
COUNT | count function |
CREATE | create a stream / connector |
DATE | prefix of date constant |
DAY | interval unit |
DROP | drop a stream |
EXP | exponent |
FLOOR | rounds a number DOWNWARDS to the nearest integer |
FORMAT | specify the format of a stream |
FROM | specify where to select data from |
GROUP | group values by certain conditions, used with BY |
HAVING | filter select values by a condition |
HOPPING | hopping window |
INNER | joining type, used with JOIN |
INSERT | insert data into a stream, used with INTO |
INTERVAL | prefix of interval constant |
INTO | insert data into a stream, used with INSERT |
IS_ARRAY | to determine if the given value is an array of values |
IS_BOOL | to determine if the given value is a boolean |
IS_DATE | to determine if the given value is a date value |
IS_FLOAT | to determine if the given value is a float |
IS_INT | to determine if the given value is an integer |
IS_MAP | to determine if the given value is a map of values |
IS_NUM | to determine if the given value is a number |
IS_STR | to determine if the given value is a string |
IS_TIME | to determine if the given value is a time value |
JOIN | for joining two streams |
LEFT | joining type, used with JOIN |
LEFT_TRIM | trim spaces from the left end of a string |
LOG | logarithm with base e |
LOG10 | logarithm with base 10 |
LOG2 | logarithm with base 2 |
MAX | maximum function |
MIN | minimum function |
MINUTE | interval unit |
MONTH | interval unit |
NOT | logical not operator |
ON | specify conditions, used with JOIN |
OR | logical or operator |
ORDER | sort values by certain conditions, used with BY |
OUTER | joining type, used with JOIN |
REVERSE | reverse a string |
RIGHT_TRIM | trim spaces from the right end of a string |
ROUND | rounds a number to the nearest integer |
SECOND | interval unit |
SELECT | query a stream |
SESSION | session window |
SHOW | show something to stdout |
SIN | sine |
SINH | hyperbolic sine |
SQRT | square root |
STREAM | specify a stream, used with CREATE |
STRLEN | get the length of a string |
SUM | sum function |
TAN | tangent |
TANH | hyperbolic tangent |
TIME | prefix of the time constant |
TO_LOWER | convert a string to lowercase |
TO_STR | convert a value to string |
TO_UPPER | convert a string to uppercase |
TRIM | trim spaces from both ends of a string |
TUMBLING | tumbling window |
VALUES | specify inserted data, used with INSERT INTO |
WEEK | interval unit |
WHERE | filter selected values by a condition |
WITH | specify properties when creating a stream |
WITHIN | specify time window when joining two streams |
YEAR | interval unit |