Write data

This page shows how to write data into HStreamDB using Java SDK.


Make sure you have HStreamDB running and accessible.


You can write two types of data to streams in HStreamDB:

  • raw record
  • hstream record(HRecord)

Raw Record

Raw record represents arbitray binary data. You can save binary data to a stream, but please note that currently stream processing via sql ignores binary data, it now only processes HRecord type data. Of course, you can always get the binary data from the stream and process it yourself.


You can think of an HRecord as a piece of JSON data, just like a document in some nosql databases. You can process hrecords directly in real time via sql statements.


Before you can write data, you first need to create a Producer object using the HStreamClient.newProducer() method:

  1. Producer producer = client.newProducer().stream("test_stream").build();

A producer has some options, for now, let’s just ignore them and use the default settings.

Write Binary Data

Write Binary Data Synchronously

You can write binary data synchronously using the Producer.write() method:

  1. Random random = new Random();
  2. byte[] rawRecord = new byte[100];
  3. random.nextBytes(rawRecord);
  4. RecordId recordId = producer.write(rawRecord);

Write Binary Data Asynchronously

You can write binary data asynchronously using the Producer.writeAsync() method:

  1. Random random = new Random();
  2. byte[] rawRecord = new byte[100];
  3. random.nextBytes(rawRecord);
  4. CompletableFuture<RecordId> future = producer.writeAsync(rawRecord);

Write HRecord

Write HRecord Synchronously

You can write hrecords synchronously using the Producer.write() method:

  1. HRecord hRecord = HRecord.newBuilder()
  2. .put("key1", 10)
  3. .put("key2", "hello")
  4. .put("key3", true)
  5. .build();
  6. RecordId recordId = producer.write(hRecord);

Write HRecord Asynchronously

You can write hrecords asynchronously using the Producer.writeAsync() method:

  1. HRecord hRecord = HRecord.newBuilder()
  2. .put("key1", 10)
  3. .put("key2", "hello")
  4. .put("key3", true)
  5. .build();
  6. CompletableFuture<RecordId> future = producer.write(hRecord);

Buffered Writes (Preferred)

When writing to HStreamDB, sending many small records limits throughput. To achieve higher thoughput, you can enable batch mode of Producer.

  1. Producer producer = client.newProducer()
  2. .stream("test_stream")
  3. .enableBatch()
  4. .recordCountLimit(100)
  5. .build();

Then you can still write data using the Producer.writeAsync()

  1. Random random = new Random();
  2. final int count = 1000;
  3. CompletableFuture<RecordId>[] recordIdFutures = new CompletableFuture[count];
  4. for(int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
  5. byte[] rawRecord = new byte[100];
  6. random.nextBytes(rawRecord);
  7. CompletableFuture<RecordId> future = producer.writeAsync(rawRecord);
  8. recordIdFutures[i] = future;
  9. }

Now the producer will first put the data submitted by the writeAsync method in an internal buffer and send it together to the HStreamDB server when the number reaches recordLimitCount, or you can call flush method manually at any time to flush the buffer.

  1. producer.flush();


  • Please do not write both binary data and hrecord in one stream.