Related Projects and Documentation
The Helm community has produced many extra tools, plugins, and documentationabout Helm. We love to hear about these projects. If you have anything you’dlike to add to this list, please open anissue or pullrequest.
Article, Blogs, How-Tos, and Extra Documentation
- Using Helm to Deploy toKubernetes
- Honestbee’s Helm ChartConventions
- Deploying Kubernetes Applications withHelm
- Releasing backward-incompatible changes: Kubernetes, Jenkins, PrometheusOperator, Helm andTraefik
- CI/CD with Kubernetes, Helm & Wercker
- The missing CI/CD Kubernetes component: Helm packagemanager
- The Workflow “Umbrella” HelmChart
- GitLab, Consumer Driven Contracts, Helm andKubernetes
- Writing a HelmChart
- Creating a Helm Plugin in 3Steps
Video, Audio, and Podcast
- CI/CD with Jenkins, Kubernetes, andHelm: AKA “The Infamous CrocHunter Video”.
- KubeCon2016: Delivering Kubernetes-Native Applications by MichelleNoorali
- Helm with Michelle Noorali and MatthewButcher:The official Google CloudPlatform Podcast interviews Michelle and Matt aboutHelm.
Helm Plugins
- Technosophos’s Helm Plugins -Plugins for GitHub, Keybase, and GPG
- helm-template - Debug/rendertemplates client-side
- Helm Value Store - Plugin forworking with Helm deployment values
- Helm Diff - Preview
helm upgrade
as a coloured diff - helm-env - Plugin to show currentenvironment
- helm-last - Plugin to show thelatest release
- helm-nuke - Plugin to destroy allreleases
- App Registry - Plugin to managecharts via the App Registryspecification
- helm-secrets - Plugin tomanage and store secrets safely
- helm-edit - Plugin for editingrelease’s values
- helm-gcs - Plugin to manage repositorieson Google Cloud Storage
- helm-github - Plugin to installHelm Charts from Github repositories
- helm-monitor - Plugin tomonitor a release and rollback based on Prometheus/ElasticSearch query
- helm-k8comp - Plugin to create HelmCharts from hiera using k8comp
- helm-hashtag - Plugin for trackingdocker tag hash digests as values
- helm-unittest - Plugin for unittesting chart locally with YAMLWe also encourage GitHub authors to use thehelm-plugintag on their plugin repositories.
Additional Tools
Tools layered on top of Helm.
- Quay AppRegistry - Open Kubernetes application registry, including a Helm access client
- Chartify - Generate Helm charts fromexisting Kubernetes resources.
- VIM-Kubernetes - VIM pluginfor Kubernetes and Helm
- Landscaper - “Landscaper takes a setof Helm Chart references with values (a desired state), and realizes this in aKubernetes cluster.”
- Helmfile - Helmfile is a declarativespec for deploying helm charts
- Autohelm - Autohelm is _another_simple declarative spec for deploying helm charts. Written in python andsupports git urls as a source for helm charts.
- Helmsman - Helmsman is ahelm-charts-as-code tool which enablesinstalling/upgrading/protecting/moving/deleting releases from versioncontrolled desired state files (described in a simple TOML format).
- Schelm - Render a Helm manifest to adirectory
- Helm Plugin - RunHelm inside of the Drone CI/CD system
- Cog - Helm chart to deploy Cog onKubernetes
- Monocular - Web UI for Helm Chartrepositories
- Helm Chart Publisher -HTTP API for publishing Helm Charts in an easy way
- Armada - Manage prefixed releasesthroughout various Kubernetes namespaces, and removes completed jobs forcomplex deployments. Used by theOpenstack-Helm team.
- ChartMuseum - Helm ChartRepository with support for Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage
- Codefresh - Kubernetes native CI/CD and managementplatform with UI dashboards for managing Helm charts and releases
- Captain - A Helm3 Controller usingHelmRequest and Release CRD
Helm Included
Platforms, distributions, and services that include Helm support.
- Kubernetic - Kubernetes Desktop Client
- Cabin - Mobile App for Managing Kubernetes
- Qstack
- Fabric8 - Integrated development platform for Kubernetes
- Jenkins X - open source automated CI/CD for Kuberneteswhich uses Helm for promotingapplications through environments viaGitOps
Grab bag of useful things for Chart authors and Helm users