Helm Dependency Build

helm dependency build

rebuild the charts/ directory based on the Chart.lock file


Build out the charts/ directory from the Chart.lock file.

Build is used to reconstruct a chart’s dependencies to the state specified in the lock file. This will not re-negotiate dependencies, as ‘helm dependency update’ does.

If no lock file is found, ‘helm dependency build’ will mirror the behavior of ‘helm dependency update’.

  1. helm dependency build CHART [flags]


  1. -h, --help help for build
  2. --keyring string keyring containing public keys (default "~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg")
  3. --skip-refresh do not refresh the local repository cache
  4. --verify verify the packages against signatures

Options inherited from parent commands

  1. --burst-limit int client-side default throttling limit (default 100)
  2. --debug enable verbose output
  3. --kube-apiserver string the address and the port for the Kubernetes API server
  4. --kube-as-group stringArray group to impersonate for the operation, this flag can be repeated to specify multiple groups.
  5. --kube-as-user string username to impersonate for the operation
  6. --kube-ca-file string the certificate authority file for the Kubernetes API server connection
  7. --kube-context string name of the kubeconfig context to use
  8. --kube-insecure-skip-tls-verify if true, the Kubernetes API server's certificate will not be checked for validity. This will make your HTTPS connections insecure
  9. --kube-tls-server-name string server name to use for Kubernetes API server certificate validation. If it is not provided, the hostname used to contact the server is used
  10. --kube-token string bearer token used for authentication
  11. --kubeconfig string path to the kubeconfig file
  12. -n, --namespace string namespace scope for this request
  13. --qps float32 queries per second used when communicating with the Kubernetes API, not including bursting
  14. --registry-config string path to the registry config file (default "~/.config/helm/registry/config.json")
  15. --repository-cache string path to the directory containing cached repository indexes (default "~/.cache/helm/repository")
  16. --repository-config string path to the file containing repository names and URLs (default "~/.config/helm/repositories.yaml")


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 11-Sep-2024