Use OCI-based registries

Beginning in Helm 3, you can use container registries with OCI support to store and share chart packages. Beginning in Helm v3.8.0, OCI support is enabled by default.

OCI support prior to v3.8.0

OCI support graduated from experimental to general availability with Helm v3.8.0. In prior versions of Helm, OCI support behaved differently. If you were using OCI support prior to Helm v3.8.0, its important to understand what has changed with different versions of Helm.

Enabling OCI support prior to v3.8.0

Prior to Helm v3.8.0, OCI support is experimental and must be enabled.

To enable OCI experimental support for Helm versions prior to v3.8.0, set HELM_EXPERIMENTAL_OCI in your environment. For example:


OCI feature deprecation and behavior changes with v3.8.0

The release of Helm v3.8.0, the following features and behaviors are different from previous versions of Helm:

  • When setting a chart in the dependencies as OCI, the version can be set to a range like other dependencies.
  • SemVer tags that include build information can be pushed and used. OCI registries don’t support + as a tag character. Helm translates the + to _ when stored as a tag.
  • The helm registry login command now follows the same structure as the Docker CLI for storing credentials. The same location for registry configuration can be passed to both Helm and the Docker CLI.

OCI feature deprecation and behavior changes with v3.7.0

The release of Helm v3.7.0 included the implementation of HIP 6 for OCI support. As a result, the following features and behaviors are different from previous versions of Helm:

  • The helm chart subcommand has been removed.
  • The chart cache has been removed (no helm chart list etc.).
  • OCI registry references are now always prefixed with oci://.
  • The basename of the registry reference must always match the chart’s name.
  • The tag of the registry reference must always match the chart’s semantic version (i.e. no latest tags).
  • The chart layer media type was switched from application/tar+gzip to application/vnd.cncf.helm.chart.content.v1.tar+gzip.

Using an OCI-based registry

Helm repositories in OCI-based registries

A Helm repository is a way to house and distribute packaged Helm charts. An OCI-based registry can contain zero or more Helm repositories and each of those repositories can contain zero or more packaged Helm charts.

Use hosted registries

There are several hosted container registries with OCI support that you can use for your Helm charts. For example:

Follow the hosted container registry provider’s documentation to create and configure a registry with OCI support.

Note: You can run Docker Registry or zot, which are OCI-based registries, on your development computer. Running an OCI-based registry on your development computer should only be used for testing purposes.

Using sigstore to sign OCI-based charts

The helm-sigstore plugin allows using Sigstore to sign Helm charts with the same tools used to sign container images. This provides an alternative to the GPG-based provenance supported by classic chart repositories.

For more details on using the helm sigstore plugin, see that project’s documentation.

Commands for working with registries

The registry subcommand


login to a registry (with manual password entry)

  1. $ helm registry login -u myuser localhost:5000
  2. Password:
  3. Login succeeded


logout from a registry

  1. $ helm registry logout localhost:5000
  2. Logout succeeded

The push subcommand

Upload a chart to an OCI-based registry:

  1. $ helm push mychart-0.1.0.tgz oci://localhost:5000/helm-charts
  2. Pushed: localhost:5000/helm-charts/mychart:0.1.0
  3. Digest: sha256:ec5f08ee7be8b557cd1fc5ae1a0ac985e8538da7c93f51a51eff4b277509a723

The push subcommand can only be used against .tgz files created ahead of time using helm package.

When using helm push to upload a chart an OCI registry, the reference must be prefixed with oci:// and must not contain the basename or tag.

The registry reference basename is inferred from the chart’s name, and the tag is inferred from the chart’s semantic version. This is currently a strict requirement.

Certain registries require the repository and/or namespace (if specified) to be created beforehand. Otherwise, an error will be produced during the helm push operation.

If you have created a provenance file (.prov), and it is present next to the chart .tgz file, it will automatically be uploaded to the registry upon push. This results in an extra layer on the Helm chart manifest.

Users of the helm-push plugin (for uploading charts to ChartMuseum) may experience issues, since the plugin conflicts with the new, built-in push. As of version v0.10.0, the plugin has been renamed to cm-push.

Other subcommands

Support for the oci:// protocol is also available in various other subcommands. Here is a complete list:

  • helm pull
  • helm show
  • helm template
  • helm install
  • helm upgrade

The basename (chart name) of the registry reference is included for any type of action involving chart download (vs. helm push where it is omitted).

Here are a few examples of using the subcommands listed above against OCI-based charts:

  1. $ helm pull oci://localhost:5000/helm-charts/mychart --version 0.1.0
  2. Pulled: localhost:5000/helm-charts/mychart:0.1.0
  3. Digest: sha256:0be7ec9fb7b962b46d81e4bb74fdcdb7089d965d3baca9f85d64948b05b402ff
  4. $ helm show all oci://localhost:5000/helm-charts/mychart --version 0.1.0
  5. apiVersion: v2
  6. appVersion: 1.16.0
  7. description: A Helm chart for Kubernetes
  8. name: mychart
  9. ...
  10. $ helm template myrelease oci://localhost:5000/helm-charts/mychart --version 0.1.0
  11. ---
  12. # Source: mychart/templates/serviceaccount.yaml
  13. apiVersion: v1
  14. kind: ServiceAccount
  15. ...
  16. $ helm install myrelease oci://localhost:5000/helm-charts/mychart --version 0.1.0
  17. NAME: myrelease
  18. LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Oct 27 15:11:40 2021
  19. NAMESPACE: default
  20. STATUS: deployed
  21. REVISION: 1
  22. NOTES:
  23. ...
  24. $ helm upgrade myrelease oci://localhost:5000/helm-charts/mychart --version 0.2.0
  25. Release "myrelease" has been upgraded. Happy Helming!
  26. NAME: myrelease
  27. LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Oct 27 15:12:05 2021
  28. NAMESPACE: default
  29. STATUS: deployed
  30. REVISION: 2
  31. NOTES:
  32. ...

Specifying dependencies

Dependencies of a chart can be pulled from a registry using the dependency update subcommand.

The repository for a given entry in Chart.yaml is specified as the registry reference without the basename:

  1. dependencies:
  2. - name: mychart
  3. version: "2.7.0"
  4. repository: "oci://localhost:5000/myrepo"

This will fetch oci://localhost:5000/myrepo/mychart:2.7.0 when dependency update is executed.

Helm chart manifest

Example Helm chart manifest as represented in a registry (note the mediaType fields):

  1. {
  2. "schemaVersion": 2,
  3. "config": {
  4. "mediaType": "application/vnd.cncf.helm.config.v1+json",
  5. "digest": "sha256:8ec7c0f2f6860037c19b54c3cfbab48d9b4b21b485a93d87b64690fdb68c2111",
  6. "size": 117
  7. },
  8. "layers": [
  9. {
  10. "mediaType": "application/vnd.cncf.helm.chart.content.v1.tar+gzip",
  11. "digest": "sha256:1b251d38cfe948dfc0a5745b7af5ca574ecb61e52aed10b19039db39af6e1617",
  12. "size": 2487
  13. }
  14. ]
  15. }

The following example contains a provenance file (note the extra layer):

  1. {
  2. "schemaVersion": 2,
  3. "config": {
  4. "mediaType": "application/vnd.cncf.helm.config.v1+json",
  5. "digest": "sha256:8ec7c0f2f6860037c19b54c3cfbab48d9b4b21b485a93d87b64690fdb68c2111",
  6. "size": 117
  7. },
  8. "layers": [
  9. {
  10. "mediaType": "application/vnd.cncf.helm.chart.content.v1.tar+gzip",
  11. "digest": "sha256:1b251d38cfe948dfc0a5745b7af5ca574ecb61e52aed10b19039db39af6e1617",
  12. "size": 2487
  13. },
  14. {
  15. "mediaType": "application/vnd.cncf.helm.chart.provenance.v1.prov",
  16. "digest": "sha256:3e207b409db364b595ba862cdc12be96dcdad8e36c59a03b7b3b61c946a5741a",
  17. "size": 643
  18. }
  19. ]
  20. }

Migrating from chart repos

Migrating from classic chart repositories (index.yaml-based repos) is as simple using helm pull, then using helm push to upload the resulting .tgz files to a registry.